Shown: posts 1 to 13 of 13. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by hundredhugs on April 30, 2004, at 21:50:32
what are the symptoms of withdrawls? I was on 2mg (for probally 2 yrs for sleep). I am concerned now that I am feeling very disconnected and foggy. Thank you for any information.
Posted by Impermanence on May 1, 2004, at 0:02:31
In reply to Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried, posted by hundredhugs on April 30, 2004, at 21:50:32
I feel for you, benzodiazepines are a bitch to get off. I've been taking 6 to 15mg a day of bromazepam for 18 months now and am finding it very difficult to give up. The only way is to taper off slowly, talk to your doctor about it. Sleeping tablets (non benzo) can help while you get clonazepam out of your system. Good luck getting through this. Here is a list of clonazepam withdrawl symptoms for you, for more information go to:
- drowsiness
- fever
- hypothermia
- respiratory depressionCARDIOVASCULAR :
- palpitations
- irregular heartbeatDERMATOLOGICAL :
- ankle and face oedema
- hair loss
- hirsutism (excess hair growth)
- mouth ulcers
- papular and maculopapular rashes
- pruritus
- rhinorrhoea
- skin rash
- urticaria
- yellow eyes or skinENDOCRINOLOGICAL :
- hair loss
- lymphoadenopathy
- thyroid disturbancesGASTROINTESTINAL :
- anorexia
- coated tongue
- constipation
- diarrhoea
- dry mouth
- encopresis
- gastritis
- increased appetite
- nausea
- skin disorders
- xeroderma (dry, itchy skin)GENITOURINARY :
- dysuria
- enuresis
- nocturnia
- urinary retentionHAEMATOLOGICAL :
- anaemia
- bleeding or bruising
- eosinophilia
- leukopaenia
- thrombocytopaeniaHEPATIC :
- haematomegaly (liver enlargement)MUSCULOSKELETAL :
- dehydration
- fever
- general deterioration
- lymphoadenopathy
- muscle stiffness and weakness
- weight gain or lossNEUROLOGICAL :
- abnormal eye movements
- aphonia (loss of voice)
- arching of the back/spasm
- ataxia (reeling, wide-based gait, involuntary movements, twitches)
- coma
- diplopia (double vision)
- dysarthria (inarticulate, slurring, lack of modulation)
- glassy eyes
- headache
- hypotonia (decreased muscle tone)
- nystagmus
- respiratory depression
- seizures
- tremor
- vertigoPARADOXICAL :
- agitation
- aggressive behaviour
- anxiety
- depression
- excitability
- hostility
- irritability
- nervousness
- nightmares, vivid dreams
- sleep disturbancePSYCHIATRIC :
- amnesia
- anxiety
- confusion
- delusions
- depression
- euphoria
- forgetfulness
- hallucinations
- hysteria
- increased libido
- insomnia
- psychosis
- suicidal thoughtsRESPIRATORY :
- bronchial secretions
- chest congestion
- dyspnea
- hypersalivation
- hypersecretion of respiratory passages
- respiratory depression
- rhinorrhoea (runny nose)
- shortness of breath
Posted by chemist on May 1, 2004, at 0:24:22
In reply to Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried, posted by hundredhugs on April 30, 2004, at 21:50:32
> what are the symptoms of withdrawls? I was on 2mg (for probally 2 yrs for sleep). I am concerned now that I am feeling very disconnected and foggy. Thank you for any information.
> Hundredhugschemist need to taper the klonopin. you are at a reasonably high dose for a long time. see previous post from me to you. no cold turkey in your case! all the best, chemist
Posted by hundredhugs on May 1, 2004, at 10:51:52
In reply to Re: Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried » hundredhugs, posted by chemist on May 1, 2004, at 0:24:22
Thank you Chemist. I did not know that that was a reasonably high dose of klonopine. Last night when I posted I was feeling really foggy and things felt very surreal and disassoicated. My brain felt numb and i was concerned. I feel better this morning. Should I continue on this course or should I go ahead and take some klonopine when i feel strange?
I appreciate your advice. I plan to call my pdoc first thing monday morning!!
Posted by hundredhugs on May 1, 2004, at 10:57:47
In reply to Re: Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried, posted by Impermanence on May 1, 2004, at 0:02:31
Thank you for the great information. This really concerns me, I had NO idea that it could be so serious!! Chemist said I was at a "Resonably high dose" So I assume that I could have alot of these. I plan to call my pdoc first thing monday morning!!
Posted by chemist on May 1, 2004, at 11:08:25
In reply to Re: Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried » chemist, posted by hundredhugs on May 1, 2004, at 10:51:52
> Thank you Chemist. I did not know that that was a reasonably high dose of klonopine. Last night when I posted I was feeling really foggy and things felt very surreal and disassoicated. My brain felt numb and i was concerned. I feel better this morning. Should I continue on this course or should I go ahead and take some klonopine when i feel strange?
> I appreciate your advice. I plan to call my pdoc first thing monday morning!!
> Hundredhugshi there....well, sounds like last night was a bit strange, but if you were not in a panic (or out for a drive!) and could otherwise function, taper at will. if any withdrawl symptoms appear that make you uncomfortable (and i don't mean minor ones like dry mouth, etc.), then re-up the dose a tad and stay there for a day or two and then come back down, slowly. just be thankful you're not on xanax (alprazolam)! all teh best, chemist
Posted by Rainee on May 1, 2004, at 11:40:40
In reply to Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried, posted by hundredhugs on April 30, 2004, at 21:50:32
My advice is to go slow..... I had the worst withdrawl mine started within hours of stopping.
seeing double,vomiting,hearing voices,anxiety through the roof, seizure activity, sensory overload like crazy my muscles would jump well into a year later..blood pressure sky high... these drugs are nothing too fool with and any Dr that just cuts you off cold turkey is heartless.Rainee
Posted by cubbybear on May 2, 2004, at 1:07:09
In reply to Re: Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried, posted by Rainee on May 1, 2004, at 11:40:40
With Klonopin, withdrawal symptoms can hit anywhere from about 3-9 days after stopping. You might be in the very small minority that experiences no discomfort from quitting cold turkey, but it is definitely not recommended and can lead to seizures. No joke. This is a fact. If your doctor insists on having you do this, get yourself another pdoc fast and explain the situation. All the best.
Posted by hundredhugs on May 2, 2004, at 10:48:55
In reply to Re: Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried, posted by cubbybear on May 2, 2004, at 1:07:09
It has been 5 days now and I have been just a little shakey once and foggy once and I took a little klonopine and I felt fine for the rest of the day, even after it wore off. I have a schedled appt with my pdoc on thursday but I plan to call her on monday. She gave me a schedule before. I don't know if she meant for me to follow that or cold turkey because she said go off it and we'll see how you do. Am I out of the woods after 9 days?
Posted by chemist on May 2, 2004, at 23:37:12
In reply to Re: Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried » cubbybear, posted by hundredhugs on May 2, 2004, at 10:48:55
> It has been 5 days now and I have been just a little shakey once and foggy once and I took a little klonopine and I felt fine for the rest of the day, even after it wore off. I have a schedled appt with my pdoc on thursday but I plan to call her on monday. She gave me a schedule before. I don't know if she meant for me to follow that or cold turkey because she said go off it and we'll see how you do. Am I out of the woods after 9 days?
> Hundredhugschemist here...sounds like you are weathering withdrawl/cessation quite well...especially your own initiative to re-up when feeling lousy...cannot comment on the 9 days, but to me, the case you present is an excellent example of how to slowly wean yourself while taking care of the little jags that pop up my opinion, you are on the right track. do what your body and mind tell you is right: a generic plan for tapering isn't for everyone, and you have been quite proficient in pefecting the balancing act, in my opinion....with all the best wishes, chemist
Posted by cubbybear on May 2, 2004, at 23:53:16
In reply to Re: Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried » cubbybear, posted by hundredhugs on May 2, 2004, at 10:48:55
> It has been 5 days now and I have been just a little shakey once and foggy once and I took a little klonopine and I felt fine for the rest of the day, even after it wore off. I have a schedled appt with my pdoc on thursday but I plan to call her on monday. She gave me a schedule before. I don't know if she meant for me to follow that or cold turkey because she said go off it and we'll see how you do. Am I out of the woods after 9 days?
> HundredhugsYou should definitely call her and find out what she thinks. Tell her that you've communicated with numerous people and everyone advises that it's not a good idea to go cold turkey. If you don't feel withdrawal after about 9 days, you're probably going to be OK, but I don't want to make predictions because everyone is different.
Posted by hundredhugs on May 3, 2004, at 7:59:10
In reply to Re: Went off klonopine cold turkey per pdoc. Worried, posted by cubbybear on May 2, 2004, at 23:53:16
I called the pdoc last night because I was feeling "drunk", shakey, mentally foggy and nauseated and didn't know if it was my lithium or the klonopine. I was outside alot yesterday and it was hot and I didn't drink as much as usual, but I am on a low dose of lithium. Anyway the call came back that it was probally the klonopine. Before I put a call into her I took what I thought was 1 mg of klonopine, but it was the green tab (2 mg). I then had the horrible relization that i had not been taking 2 mg all this time for at least 2-3 months (or longer), but 4 mg. So I must be doing suprisingly well, to get a little nauseated and shakey a couple times.
My pdoc said that if i wasn't feeling better today she would see me in an emerengcy slot (before thursday on my regular appt). I guess I will wait and see how I feel.
I feel so stupid for making that mistake!
Posted by Anthony Quest on May 4, 2004, at 9:08:42
In reply to I called the pdoc last night, posted by hundredhugs on May 3, 2004, at 7:59:10
I am really sorry that my last two posts didn't post correctly. It was my fault, and I really felt that what I had to say might be important so please indulge me for posting this third response (last two were blank).
Since you were at 4 mg dose instead of 2mg dose a day and you just realized the mistake and you also point out that you are on some other meds for other issues, I think you see your doctor ASAP. If symptoms get worse go to the office or ER without waiting.
I say this because you mention "shaky". This could be just a mild withdrawal. It could also be the beginning of acute severel withdrawal - the type that leads to seizures and can be fatal. Unlike withdrawal from opioids, benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms are not just unpleasant and hellish but potentially serious and sometimes fatal.
Don't just watch and wait. You could wait and it could be too late.
If your doctor hasn't said not to taper and you are shakey, I would go ahead and resume your Klonopin as prescribed and this time begin with a taper schedule. Klonopin is long acting or medium acting or short acting depending on whom you ask or the source you consult. It's entirely possible your withdrawal is hitting you now, and it could be bad.
Please do something now, just on the chance you could be experiencing a serious medical event. The consequences of being wrong are nothing but being prudent and cautious. Just waiting could end up costing you a lot.
This is also a good reason to always seek professional medical advice and never just rely on internet boards.
While I think what you hear here is better than a lot of what the advice doctors give their patients, there is no way any of us know your past medical history, comorbid conditions, the potential to mix up your 2mg pills with 1 mg.
If you have an underlying seizure disorder problem or are taking another medication that increases the seizure risk, that's all the more reason not to take any chances in not tapering or waiting to see your doctor.
Did your doctor really recommend no tapering from either a 4mg or 2 mg dose? If so, I don't think that is within what is considered general practice. You might want to check with her to make sure there was no misunderstanding but the tapering idea is fairly universal.
You might want to consider a complaint with the State Medical Board. I don't mean this to be a vindictive move on your part, but if you have a physician who simply gets this sort of thing wrong, my experience is you aren't the only one, and the next person may not have this resource to use to find out what they should do.
The State Medical Board hopefully will check her records and make sure she's not endangering others and if not she'll get called in for a informal conference and perhaps given a sanction of continuing medical education in proper prescribing and care of benzodiazepines. There is no way to know though and every state medical board is different.
I just feel that you shouldn't be left wondering what to do. The doctor has a responsibility to you to help and give you as much care and advice as you need in stopping a medication as you need to do it safely.
It does not sound to me as if you got it, and I am upset for you. Of course, I don't have all the facts and if you do and what I say doesn't sound right, just as usual with advice, feel free to take it or leave it.
Anything like elevated pulse, changed blood pressure, or more shakiness, go straight to the ER. Anything like seizures of course means call 911 and don't drive. If this is just mild withdrawal, then I am needlessly being alarmist, but I wouldn't want to take the chance on it.
> I called the pdoc last night because I was feeling "drunk", shakey, mentally foggy and nauseated and didn't know if it was my lithium or the klonopine. I was outside alot yesterday and it was hot and I didn't drink as much as usual, but I am on a low dose of lithium. Anyway the call came back that it was probally the klonopine. Before I put a call into her I took what I thought was 1 mg of klonopine, but it was the green tab (2 mg). I then had the horrible relization that i had not been taking 2 mg all this time for at least 2-3 months (or longer), but 4 mg. So I must be doing suprisingly well, to get a little nauseated and shakey a couple times.
> My pdoc said that if i wasn't feeling better today she would see me in an emerengcy slot (before thursday on my regular appt). I guess I will wait and see how I feel.
> I feel so stupid for making that mistake!
> Hundredhugs
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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