Shown: posts 1 to 22 of 22. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
I am 25 five years old, for the last seven years I have been a very heavy heavy heavy drinker. I have also done a little cocaine and pot but was real heavy into x for a summer.I have given up all drugs but alcohol for over a year and a half now. Last spring I started to get dark thoughts, dizziness and depression after drinking, soon after I had the pleasure of my first anxiety attack. I then stopped drinking for about a month and everything went away also my memeory started to improve ( I lost almost all short term memory due to x). I started drinking again last Aug and everything was fine for about 2 weeks then I noticed that after drinking I would get dizzy spells and would be in a fog for most of the day. These of course got worse as time went on, to the point where i would would get dizzy in the morning and go right into a daze or a fog the rest of the day. this of course progressed to massive anxiety attacks. At first if I drank it would go away but as time went on that became a hit or miss cure.Also it seemed like every time I ate this fog or daze I was in only got worse. By the time I went for help I could no longer think straight at all.I could not concentrate to read, remember anything hardly at all,driving was out of the question as well as following a conversation of any great length I also had the constant feeling like I was looking out some one elses eyes and the thing around me did not look or feel real and once was on my couch in my own home and for a few mins did not know where I was!!!
I had my sugar tested and everything came back fine. I also ended up in the ER with what they believe was a massive panic attack, in turn they ran a bunch of test on me including a cat scan all which turned up nothing.I have now been dry for 19 days other than the shakes and mild depression I did not have any other withdrawal symptoms. My anxiexty in turn has went down and for a few hours each day I feel normal.Has anyone out there had something like this happen to them. Can anxiety do all that? Also I know I should never drink again but is there anyway that I can atleast go out once and awhiel and have a few beers without this starting all over again??Thanks
Posted by T_R_D on March 26, 2004, at 11:47:58
In reply to anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
Hi Steve, the short answer to your question is yes, anxiety can do all can have a profound affect on our bodies--in ways we would never think! As for your future drinking, I've wrestled with the same thought: Can I just go out and not get caught up in the cycle again? Well, yes and no. I might be fine for a brief period...where I'm REALLY concentrating on being good but then, after say a month of "being good" I decide to reward myself and go all out! It's bogus. Then I realize that I have a problem and the whole things starts all over again.
I'm afraid that for those who have used and abused it's a forever problem. I self-medicated bipolar symptoms for YEARS...that's my story. It became such a was also extremely doctor was surprised I didn't have permanent liver damage after I came clean with him.
I guess it's up to you. I know it's an incredible temptation for me but now that my manias are being controlled my urge to drink isn't so strong anymore. That's actually a red flag for me...that I'm probably beginning to cycle again. For me, alcohol is bad news. It messes with my meds, my moods and really sets me back.
Posted by Sebastian on March 26, 2004, at 19:28:01
In reply to anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
I would suggest going dry for a few months and then if you can limit you alcohol to 1 beer a week, do that.
I think the X had a lot to do with it too. The drugs and drinking may have kicked you into depression. I have drug induced psychotic depression. I gave up all drug 3 years ago. I gave up heavy drinking 2 years ago.
Do you take medication?
I don't drink to get drunk anymore.
Posted by helenag on March 27, 2004, at 17:58:35
In reply to anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
steve, yes, anxiety can do that to you, so can coming off booze and x. The combination of the two is not too user-friendly either.
As regards going back to drinking just a little; only you know for sure what you can safely do. For myself, I have tried to do that many times and eventually end up drinking how ever much I want anyway, which is drunk.
Any mood altering substance will affect your mind/emotions. That's why we use them.
Posted by Viridis on March 27, 2004, at 23:56:19
In reply to anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
You already know the answer, and are just looking for confirmation. Obviously XTC is bad for you, and since much of what's marketed is something else anyway, this an obvious self-medication to avoid. Besides, even "pure" X can induce major depression and anxiety.
Alcohol is a tricky one, but if you think you have problems with it you probably do. Especially at your age, you have a real opportunity to turn this around and develop a better, healthier lifestyle. You know this already and are simply looking for people to confirm it. Why don't you see a psychiatrist, tell them what your problems are, get the right meds, and start feeling better?
Everything you say indicates that you're ready for a change for the better and have an intelligent attitude toward the problem. Based on the information you've provided it seems extremely likely that you can overcome this, if you seek assistance now. If you maintain the same pattern, it will become increasingly difficult to enjoy your life, and you could experience serious medical complications. Why not act now?
Good luck!
Posted by MichaelJr on March 28, 2004, at 4:42:57
In reply to anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
I've ended up in the ER before after drinking Red Bull & Vodka, and it sucked. I thought my heart was about to fail, but it turned out to just a panic attack.
I'd guess the main damage for you comes from the E. Alcohol can f you up, but the E is most likely what induced the major concentration/depression problems.
If you're not a true alcoholic, a few beers (2 or 3, not 6 or 7) once every few weeks or months won't hurt you. But can you really keep it at that? Most likely, it'll just be a gateway to heavier drinking.
Good luck, Mike
Posted by panic_attack on March 28, 2004, at 14:19:46
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by MichaelJr on March 28, 2004, at 4:42:57
Well first of all... my experience is pretty similiar to yours. AFter years of drinking and using heavy drugs, I cannot drink like I use to. I started drinking at 13 and using heavy drugs such as ACID, cocaine, crack, marijuana, pills, you name it... I gave up the drugs years ago but not the drinking. ALL OF A SUDDEN, I became very ill after drinking. I thought I was going to die... and it was NOT a hangover!! The entire next day you feel so foggy, its like depersonalization. Nothing feels real and I cannot go outside!! I cannot talk to anyone, i just cant wait for the day to pass so I can feel better the next day. But I keep doing it, I keep drinking, knowing that it makes me feel like shit. I have hoispitalized myself several times but I just cannot quit drinking. I have cut down though, but I still feel pretty crappy. I went out last night, I feel crappy right now. I know what your going thru... and it doesnt go away, unless you stop drinking. You and I both know that is very very hard. You CANNOT just have a couple of beers... you know that wont happen. After your 3rd beer, you feel so nice, you give in to the urges, and say "O Fuk iT, I'm drinking tonighttt". I have tried everything and I really want help. But I just cant quit and I am so tired of feeling this anxiety/panic/depression from drinking. Alcohol is your worse enemy.
Posted by labyrinth1748 on March 28, 2004, at 22:31:53
In reply to anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
I was on medication but I do not want to get hooked on it and take it for the rest of my life.
Qustion? Will this go away on its own if I stay clean? If so how long? If I drink again will it come right back ( I dont mean be a drunk again but just say If I drink once ). I am not looking for a reason to drink I just want to know the facts.
Posted by panic_attack on March 30, 2004, at 18:53:42
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 28, 2004, at 22:31:53
If you dont drink, everything is fine. The ONE night you go out and get drunk, even if its two months later, ALL THE SYMPTOMS come back. That's my experience. Same crap over and over. BUT... if you dont drink that much, just enough to get a nice little buzz going... everything is cool. NOT DRUNK! Thats the hard part, keeping it to a minimum. Try it though, if you cant completely quit drinking (like me) CUT DOWN TREMENDOUSLY. The symptons will not be that bad!!
Posted by panic_attack on March 30, 2004, at 18:58:23
In reply to anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
after reading your post again, your symptons sound alot like depersonalization. Do a search on depersonalization, alcohol and drugs can cause those symptons, which I have experienced, and your post really sounds too familiar
"I also had the constant feeling like I was looking out some one elses eyes and the thing around me did not look or feel real and once was on my couch in my own home and for a few mins did not know where I was!!!"I know exactly what you mean. I feel like that EVERY time i go out drinking, the next day that is. :( My friends always say "oh you have a hangover, you can't hang" They have no idea. Drugs & alcohol have really screwed me up.
Posted by Matthew Orton on April 1, 2004, at 3:10:36
In reply to anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
Hey Steve .. Im with you 100% on your symptoms. The next day and night after a previous night of drinking is the worst. Anxiety, Agoraphobia, Panic Attacks, Spaced out, depressed, dizzy, out of balance. I think all the years of drinking like a rock star has finally caught up with me.
Whats wierd is its not always bad .. Some times I go out and drink alot and Im fine the next day and other times I dont even drink that much and I feel horrible the next day.
I am bound and determined to find a way to fix this or at least regulate it. I think I'm going to try SAMe and see what happens with that. There has to be a way to fix this without regular Anti-Depressents.
Posted by Live in Now on April 21, 2004, at 15:04:21
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by T_R_D on March 26, 2004, at 11:47:58
Just had an episode this last weekend. I woke up feeling alright, by mid day I was a wreck. I couldn't sit down for more than a minute, I couldn't eat, I couldn't go outside cuz the light was too intense, I puked, hoping that it would make me feel better (bad idea). This worst thing are the impure thoughts that cross my mind.
One thing that I have found to combat this is you have to find a way to control your mind. I've found this in a comfort zone. I have a roommate that finally understands what I go through. He has helped me tremendously. He forces me to get outside and get active. It's a very tough concept, but once you do it you'll feel better. You begin to start thinking about other things and that's when you realize that it's all mental. Endorphins are powerful, being active helps cure a hangover, which inturn has helped me cope with anxiety.
I always feel like I'm going to pass out and die when I have an anxiety attack, but I have peace of mind when I am around people. If I pass out they'll help me.
Take solice in the fact that doctors have told you that everything is alright with you. That's what they told me. Whenever I have an attack I think back to that and tell myself that I'm o.k.
Last thing. I've tried melatonin. It's a natural sleep agent. I was scared to use it at first, but it did help. I have no addiction to it either.
Good Luck
Posted by Unluck on April 24, 2004, at 11:31:58
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by Live in Now on April 21, 2004, at 15:04:21
Wow, I can't believe I found this board. I am 27 and I have the same problems. It sucks. I own my own company buying and selling trucks worldwide(small business but good) After drinking one night I can not work the next day, I can not face people. I have such bad anxiety attacks, feelings that I just don't won't people to see in my face. And I know they see it!! I can feel it in my face when I try to talk to someone after a hard night. The problem is I don't want to stop drinking, I enjoy it. I don't know what to do. I have tried the drugs Becalmed and another. I tried them for a couple days and felt nothing so they sit on my desk looking at me. I am scared of what could happen in time ans what has already happened. Drugs have taken there toll on me. I just like to have drinks after work though. Even when business people fly in, we drink all day and night and the next day I pick them up at there room and I just want them out of my hair. I the same did so much (E) it is unreal, along with Coke, Acid when I was younger. I still do Coke sometimes and I drink plenty!! I wish there was something to help me with all this. At times I stop drinking for about 5 days and I feel so good, I feel so good I need to have a beer!!! Boy, there is more then just me like this.... So is just giving up the bottle our only source. Being 27 years old and feeling washed up really hurts me inside.
Posted by Rayray on April 25, 2004, at 20:10:13
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol » Live in Now, posted by Unluck on April 24, 2004, at 11:31:58
I know quite a bit about the hell you're going through, and yes, the alcohol is behind it. Until I actually quit drinking completely, I did not realize the role alcohol played in the anxiety and panic attacks. You are basically starting to detox when your blood alcohol level starts dropping below a certain level. It can be really scary when you realize this is how the cycle works.
What worked for me was AA + a good shrink + the right meds (Zoloft, Wellbutrin, and Xanax).
Good luck to you!
Posted by Unluck on April 25, 2004, at 20:32:45
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by Rayray on April 25, 2004, at 20:10:13
Ray, Thank you for your reply. As of 4/26 I will stop drinking for awhile and see what happens. The drugs you mentioned? How did you go about using them? you mentioned 3, do you use all 3 or did you find a good one? What exactly do they do and how do they help you? How are you now? I really need to stop feeling like this or it could ruin a perfect little business I have and my body. I am young and I have allot ahead of me. The nervous sweats, going completly blank and turning red is not what I am but it is what I have done to myself. So you think if I remain sober these effects will slowly go away or is it a very long term process? I do enjoy my alcohol but if it is going to do all this to me then I will have to try reality. It is hell I am going through ( perfect choice of words ). I notice within a couple days I am so much better, my thoughts and business attitude are right on the money. Thanks again for the feedback. Talking about this has already lifted my spirits. I thought I was alone in this, my doctor just doesn't understand.
Posted by Rayray on April 25, 2004, at 21:34:54
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol » Rayray, posted by Unluck on April 25, 2004, at 20:32:45
No, you are not alone. Many have passed your way and have gotten better. You are in crisis right now and need a lot of support. I hope you get it because it is nearly impossible to do this alone.
But back to your question about meds. Zoloft is a highly effective SSRI. Wellbutrin is also an antidepressant, but it works differently and augments the other. Xanax is for anxiety and panic attacks -- I only need it occasionally. Bear in my that this is what works for me, and hopefully you can hook up with a good MD trained in psych meds to find what works for you.
My experience is that alcohol and depression go hand in hand and that both need to be treated. Like we say in AA, "I didn't get sober to be miserable."
Keep in touch!
Posted by Stressed Student on May 1, 2004, at 6:53:02
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by Rayray on April 25, 2004, at 21:34:54
Just found this board. I'm a stressed medical student who's just recently discovered the anxiety hell that can come with drinking. I've had at least one drink a night for six months, but gotten drunk maybe once a week. Lately I'd started getting feelings of anxiety and panic, and overall low self esteem the day and, especially, the second day after binge drinking. I want to the doc and got some xanax. Now I'm off the xanax (a few days), but I've got the anxiety, combined with exam stress (exam season now) and I'm in hell! I can't sleep more than a couple hours a night, and its turning into a cycle, as I stress about being stressed. I really worry about coping with my career and responsibilities. How long does this anxiety hell last after stopping drinking (or xanax)?
Posted by Rayray on May 1, 2004, at 7:29:43
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by Stressed Student on May 1, 2004, at 6:53:02
Calm down. (Easy for me to say, right?) I found that it took a few months for my brain to rewire itself after many years of daily drinking. Zoloft and Xanax were part of the process of putting me back together again -- together with a good therapist and AA. Eleven years later, it still works for me.
While Xanax is not something you want to become dependent upon over a long period, it is still the drug of choice for panic to the best of my knowledge. I don't feel you should leave yourself defenseless right now. It only sets you up to fail and go back to alcohol because you "know" how that works. Besides, there is just no point in being distressed and dysfunctional for large parts of the day.
Good luck and keep in touch!
Posted by Stressed Student on May 1, 2004, at 8:33:40
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by Rayray on May 1, 2004, at 7:29:43
Thanks Ray. I think I'm just going to try and get through from now on without going onto anything again. Just knowing that this anxiety-alcohol association exists really helps to calm me down. I was starting to think I was cracking up! If I really can't cope I'll go back to the doc, but I'll give it a couple of days. Have you tried getting into a heavy exercise routine? Taken up running or weights or anything?
Posted by Rayray on May 1, 2004, at 9:26:36
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by Stressed Student on May 1, 2004, at 8:33:40
Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh, no. I haven't gotten into exercise although it was a help when I did do it. Aside from an occasional bout of anxiety, I really haven't had a problem with it in years. Depression is another matter. I'm OK but not great on Zoloft and Wellbutrin. Can't wait till Cymbalta gets released, hopefully this summer.
Let me know how you make out.
Posted by powermac on May 6, 2004, at 7:53:41
In reply to anxiety and alcohol, posted by labyrinth1748 on March 26, 2004, at 2:24:22
I am in almost exactly the same situation. Throughout college I drank, smoked, and did various illicit drugs. Now I drink once every other week at most, but every time I do I get severely drunk, and as soon as I stop drinking the anxiety begins. I don't remember this happening until after I'd tried X. Does anyone know if this might be part of the brain damage from ecstasy use? I have anxiety on and off during the day but after drinking it pretty much induces a panic attack.
Posted by Myocum on June 3, 2004, at 22:25:24
In reply to Re: anxiety and alcohol, posted by powermac on May 6, 2004, at 7:53:41
Wow, I have exactly all these symptoms..
General anxiety most of the time that's not too bad, go for a few days feeling good then up comes a big night out, have a few beers.. feel great! drink too much and wake up hungover with intense anxiety. It's way worse than any hangover - can't talk properly, feel totally withdrawn, can't sleep. Day after start to feel fine again then forget how bad it was! get smashed again. The time when I am drunk is the only time that I feel totally anxiety free.
I hate feeling that I can't drink - as I enjoy it a lot and it makes me feel like a freak that I get so affected. I think this is why I can't seem to stop going out and drinking.
If only I knew when to stop, ie didn't get properly drunk, I'm sure I wouldn't be getting the bad anxiety. It's getting worse too, each time it happens.
I also have gone really hard on ecstacy/cocaine and speed over the past few years which I'm sure has had a bit to do with the initial anxiety. I don't take them anymore, but it's drinking more than anything that does it to me anyway
Well that's my story - I'm really glad (bad choice of words but you know what i mean!) that it's experienced by others. I now know it's not because my nervous system is destroyed from drug taking (not a nice thought at 27), or that I am a particular type of freak. I think that will help me in just accepting that I have to actually not get drunk.
It's gotten so bad that I just can't keep doing it. I'll lose my job, not to mention my mind. Let you know how i am progressing!
Thanks to everyone for this being here!!
This is the end of the thread.
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