Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: Im 15 too, Midlife Crisis, what works for me

Posted by JohnFromCalifornia on January 18, 2004, at 20:03:25

In reply to Re: Im 15 too, Midlife Crisis, what works for me » Mid-Life Crisis, posted by imjustme on January 17, 2004, at 21:24:55

You are only 15 and have been on mind-altering drugs half your life!

Try to find a course of action that will take you away from drugs, rather than toward them. This could include couseling, peer group discussions, etc., with a minimum of drugs.

For many drugs are a welcome relief. But drugs must always been seen as a last resort. If you are not careful, your life will end up revolving around your drug intake. This is not a good place to be. Good luck!


Re: Straterra

Posted by LightShifter on January 18, 2004, at 22:06:06

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by kirah on January 18, 2004, at 19:30:10

Once again, 40 mg is probably too high. For a 13 yr old I wouldn't start with more than 10 mg.!

I would try cutting it in 4ths and see how she does.


> >.My daughter just started on 40mg. She is 13. She doesn't want to take it because it makes her very tired. I've noticed that mostly people with adhd. take it and my daughter is add I wonder if this is the wrong med for her.


Re: Straterra

Posted by Ragesgal on January 18, 2004, at 22:34:25

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by LightShifter on January 18, 2004, at 22:06:06

Well folks, wish me luck....Tomorrow I start 40mgs. From all that I have read here (about that particular 40mg dosage), it makes me nervous. I am a 35 year old female that also takes Effexor XR. The Dr. started me on 25mg for four days and starting tomorrow it will be 40mgs. I see that some folks are saying that they think that Strattera is stronger than the FDA first determined. I guess all I can do is just start the 40mgs and see how I react. I know this med takes about 4-6 weeks for one to see some results and I am very willing to wait for them....I just pray that it helps. I am not worried about not being able to sleep while taking this because I am also on Seraquel (mood stablizer) and the 100mg at bedtime makes me sleep very well so far. I guess I am just a "nervous nellie" and should just wait and monitor how I react once I have been on the 40mgs.


Re: Straterra

Posted by Viridis on January 19, 2004, at 2:02:25

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by Ragesgal on January 18, 2004, at 22:34:25

Have you had side effects at 25 mg? 40 mg seems a bit high a dose to move to that quickly. This is a promising med, but my experience (and that of my pdoc with other patients) is that it's best to move up a bit more slowly.

I started at 25 mg and had some side effects with each dosage increase -- mild nausea, muscle aches, and dry mouth, which appear to be quite common reactions. These generally went away fairly quickly, but the most dramatic problems (not terrible, but uncomfortable) occurred with the shift from 25 to 40 mg. Of course, we're all different, but it would be a shame to get turned off on a potentially useful med by titrating up too fast. If you find 40 mg too much, you might ask your doctor to keep you at 25 mg for a bit longer.

I eventually moved up to 80 mg and although it seemed OK at first, I had some odd side effects and it seemed to stop working the way it was supposed to. I discontinued Strattera for a couple of months and recently went back to 40 mg. So far, it seems to be helping again, but we'll see what happens.

BTW, I had positive results with Strattera within a day when I first started it (definitely not placebo effect, since I didn't expect much), and my pdoc says he generally sees improvement within a week or two if it's going to work.

Good luck!


Re: Strattera and Ritalin or Strattera only

Posted by Kemet on January 19, 2004, at 12:59:55

In reply to Re: Strattera and Ritalin or Strattera only » Kemet, posted by Mimi on January 14, 2004, at 14:28:09



Re: Straterra » kirah

Posted by blondegirl47 on January 19, 2004, at 16:29:05

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by kirah on January 18, 2004, at 19:30:10

That was a pretty high dose to start her on. My pdoc gave me a sample pack that started out at least half that dose. I took it at night about 20 min before bed. I eventually went off of it because of the mood swings and food cravings.


Re: Straterra » blondegirl47

Posted by micro on January 20, 2004, at 0:48:19

In reply to Re: Straterra » kirah, posted by blondegirl47 on January 19, 2004, at 16:29:05

> That was a pretty high dose to start her on. My pdoc gave me a sample pack that started out at least half that dose. I took it at night about 20 min before bed. I eventually went off of it because of the mood swings and food cravings.
> Blondegirl

Dear blondegirl,
Would elaborate on the symtoms which you experienced while taking straterra? If so what were the additional psychotropics taken in conjunction with the straterra. Thank You. Micro


Re: Straterra » Ragesgal

Posted by motherofwonderchild on January 20, 2004, at 10:23:05

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by Ragesgal on January 18, 2004, at 22:34:25

>My daughter started taking 25mg in oct of 03. Shes 12 and now up to 80mg a day and has only had tiredness at first for a week . Into the second week of starting, she realized it's easier to talk in the car when the radio is turned low.That was a wonderful day! Don't let others ,bad experiences scare you . The results more than outway the side effects in some cases. Just think you can always stop taking it.

Well folks, wish me luck....Tomorrow I start 40mgs. From all that I have read here (about that particular 40mg dosage), it makes me nervous. I am a 35 year old female that also takes Effexor XR. The Dr. started me on 25mg for four days and starting tomorrow it will be 40mgs. I see that some folks are saying that they think that Strattera is stronger than the FDA first determined. I guess all I can do is just start the 40mgs and see how I react. I know this med takes about 4-6 weeks for one to see some results and I am very willing to wait for them....I just pray that it helps. I am not worried about not being able to sleep while taking this because I am also on Seraquel (mood stablizer) and the 100mg at bedtime makes me sleep very well so far. I guess I am just a "nervous nellie" and should just wait and monitor how I react once I have been on the 40mgs.


Re: Straterra

Posted by Ragesgal on January 20, 2004, at 12:23:54

In reply to Re: Straterra » Ragesgal, posted by motherofwonderchild on January 20, 2004, at 10:23:05

So far so good. Today is the second day I have been on the 40mgs. Have not noticed any side effects at all. I noticed that some folks have noticed improvements from the first day they started on Strattera. I think that I did too (the 25mg) but cant pinpoint exactly what it was. Maybe it was psychological and just made me feel better knowing there was something that would finally help me. Maybe my mother ship will too come down to get me and then say "ahhhhhh, this all makes sense" or I say "i finally get it". I have an appt with a place that specializes in Adults with ADD and ADHD. It's also covered in my mental health insurance so I am very optimistic this time around. My appt is for next Monday and I cant wait. Now what I really cant wait for is my fiance and I to start with the couples therapy because our lives are a mess! I have to stay positive!~


Re: Strattera and Ritalin or Strattera only

Posted by dazed on January 20, 2004, at 12:25:39

In reply to Strattera and Ritalin or Strattera only, posted by Kemet on January 14, 2004, at 14:18:25

Strattera did nothing for me at all. It was like taking a placebo. Dr. hasn't mentioned Ritalin, but put me on Adderral. Adderall alone did nothing at all, so he's added wellbutrin. I feel much better with the wellbutrin, but kinda wish I could switch to ritalin just to see if the "light will come on" as it does for some. So far, just a candle in the distance for me.


Re: Strattera and Ritalin or Strattera only

Posted by Ragesgal on January 20, 2004, at 18:18:13

In reply to Re: Strattera and Ritalin or Strattera only, posted by dazed on January 20, 2004, at 12:25:39

> Strattera did nothing for me at all. It was like taking a placebo. Dr. hasn't mentioned Ritalin, but put me on Adderral. Adderall alone did nothing at all, so he's added wellbutrin. I feel much better with the wellbutrin, but kinda wish I could switch to ritalin just to see if the "light will come on" as it does for some. So far, just a candle in the distance for me.

To Dazed: I know the feeling of the candle in the distance. I am still trying to find my way too. I guess it is like finding the right anti-depressant in that you have to continue to try the different meds to find the one that works the best (with side effects you can live with) for you. I am trying to be patient and so far so good with the Strattera. It's only been a mere week since starting it but at least I know there are other meds available if one does not work. At least that's what I tell myself. I really wish you great success in finding the right one for you! WE have all been there/still there and all in the same boat so you are NOT ALONE! Keep good communication going with your Dr. I have found that to be very important. Good luck!


Re: Straterra » micro

Posted by blondegirl47 on January 21, 2004, at 11:07:14

In reply to Re: Straterra » blondegirl47, posted by micro on January 20, 2004, at 0:48:19

It made me very tired. Sometimes during the day I would feel dizzy. About the 2nd or 3rd week I was mad all of the time. I can't remember how long that lasted. I would hyperfocus on fun things and not get work done.

My pdoc, let me stay on adderall, he said it wasn't a good test of strattera if I was crashing from going off adderall.

If you do a websearch on starttera dosing, you should be able to find a chart that gives weight to dose ratio.


Re: Straterra

Posted by LightShifter on January 21, 2004, at 15:28:46

In reply to Re: Straterra » micro, posted by blondegirl47 on January 21, 2004, at 11:07:14

I would be carfeul about using Lilly's guidelines for weight dosing. I and many others have found that for us, 10 to 20 mgs is enough. Rather than using weight dosing guidelines, I would start at 10 mgs. and work up as necessary. The 40 mg startup idea is way too much for many.

Everybody has different metabolism and depending upon how much CYP2D6 enzyme your liver has to process the atomoxitine into 4-hydroxyatomoxetine which is what our bodies process as the actual effective drug that Strattera initiates, you will need less or more of it.

If you want the technical details you can go to

The generalized weight dosing idea is not a good idea not only because of the above reason which applies to most if not all drugs, but because of many other factors including harmones, thyroid condition, what other drugs are involved etc. I find it's always best to start low and work up only if necessary after a week or 2 trial.

Blessings, ...Dan

> It made me very tired. Sometimes during the day I would feel dizzy. About the 2nd or 3rd week I was mad all of the time. I can't remember how long that lasted. I would hyperfocus on fun things and not get work done.
>rom going off adderall. My pdoc, let me stay on adderall, he said it wasn't a good test of strattera if I was crashing f
> If you do a websearch on starttera dosing, you should be able to find a chart that gives weight to dose ratio.
> Blondegirl


Re: Straterra

Posted by jcbikermom on January 23, 2004, at 13:19:12

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by LightShifter on January 18, 2004, at 22:06:06

My son is 11 years old and started taking 18mg a little over a week ago. The Dr. wanted to up the dose to 2 pills after 1 week. That was too much. He was sleepy and wouldn't wake up. I changed the dose to 25mg and that seems to be working. The Drs. always want to go by the weight chart and that's usually too high a dose.


17 yr old w/ ADHD tics,ritalin,adderol, provigil (nm)

Posted by debbie m on January 23, 2004, at 17:58:21

In reply to Re: Started Strattera Yesterday Woo-Hoo! » SLynn, posted by HADD Enough on February 2, 2003, at 18:02:19


Re: Straterra » jcbikermom

Posted by Palbella on January 23, 2004, at 18:42:01

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by jcbikermom on January 23, 2004, at 13:19:12

> My son is 11 years old and started taking 18mg a little over a week ago. The Dr. wanted to up the dose to 2 pills after 1 week. That was too much. He was sleepy and wouldn't wake up. I changed the dose to 25mg and that seems to be working. The Drs. always want to go by the weight chart and that's usually too high a dose.

How much does your son weigh? They told me my son which is 12 would end up taking 80 milligrams a day. He weighs 175 lbs and 60 milligrams seemed too much and didnt help him with school at all. Seem to make things worse.


Strattera and splitting caps?

Posted by Palbella on January 23, 2004, at 18:57:27

In reply to Re: Strattera--just for depression????-Jack Smith, posted by nmk on January 28, 2003, at 15:32:06

My son was taking Strattera and we took him off of it. We were not seeing any positive results for school. He was however more sociable. He has ADD and also has depression. I've read more post talking about opening the caps? I didn't know you could...?? I'm beginning to think he was on way to high a dose much too fast. Started on 40milligrams then 60 and would eventually go to 80 mgs. He's 12 years old and weighs 175 approx. The Zoloft he's on works very well for him but he still needs something more for the ADD. I'm thinking i might try him back on Strattera but open the cap and divide it. Anyone have more info on this subject? Thanks *S*


Re: Straterra

Posted by LightShifter on January 24, 2004, at 14:12:57

In reply to Re: Straterra » jcbikermom, posted by Palbella on January 23, 2004, at 18:42:01

The only person who knows if its "too much" or "too little" is the person who is EXPERIENCING the drug. No matter what any doctor may think, we all work dirrerently.

As I posted here before, the weight charts are a very poor way to start dosing people. Start low (say 10 mgs. and work up SLOWLY as necessary). For most people, 40 mg is way too much from what I've heard.


> > My son is 11 years old and started taking 18mg a little over a week ago. The Dr. wanted to up the dose to 2 pills after 1 week. That was too much. He was sleepy and wouldn't wake up. I changed the dose to 25mg and that seems to be working. The Drs. always want to go by the weight chart and that's usually too high a dose.
> How much does your son weigh? They told me my son which is 12 would end up taking 80 milligrams a day. He weighs 175 lbs and 60 milligrams seemed too much and didnt help him with school at all. Seem to make things worse.


Re: Straterra

Posted by Ragesgal on January 24, 2004, at 14:15:53

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by LightShifter on January 24, 2004, at 14:12:57

OK.....I have had to switch to taking my 40mgs at night(bed) when I take my Seraquel (also makes me tired) so that I fall asleep and stay asleep. When I was taking it in the am at the 40mg dose, it was making me tired for those first three days. So far so good as far as taking at night with my Seraquel (mood stabliizer).


Re: Straterra

Posted by Palbella on January 24, 2004, at 15:19:19

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by LightShifter on January 24, 2004, at 14:12:57

> The only person who knows if its "too much" or "too little" is the person who is EXPERIENCING the drug. No matter what any doctor may think, we all work dirrerently.
> As I posted here before, the weight charts are a very poor way to start dosing people. Start low (say 10 mgs. and work up SLOWLY as necessary). For most people, 40 mg is way too much from what I've heard.
> ...Dan
> > > My son is 11 years old and started taking 18mg a little over a week ago. The Dr. wanted to up the dose to 2 pills after 1 week. That was too much. He was sleepy and wouldn't wake up. I changed the dose to 25mg and that seems to be working. The Drs. always want to go by the weight chart and that's usually too high a dose.
> >
> >
> > How much does your son weigh? They told me my son which is 12 would end up taking 80 milligrams a day. He weighs 175 lbs and 60 milligrams seemed too much and didnt help him with school at all. Seem to make things worse.
> >

I read about opening the caps and dividing....I wasn't aware you could open those. Is it true..If so i'll try less for him. Any info anyone??


Re: Im 15 too, Midlife Crisis, what works for me

Posted by Mid-Life Crisis on January 26, 2004, at 18:36:05

In reply to Re: Im 15 too, Midlife Crisis, what works for me » Mid-Life Crisis, posted by imjustme on January 17, 2004, at 21:24:55

That's great that you've found a combination of medication that works great for you, imjustme. My son will be switching to a different doctor soon, so maybe I'll suggest he try Adderall and Strattera together. (His grades don't seem to be responding to anything he's tried so far.)
As for your question about not being able to open up to your friends, it might be that you have been teased about being "different" in the past (many of us with ADHD were teased by other kids while growing up) and now you have a problem trusting your friends with your thoughts and feelings? I'm just guessing.
Someone else wrote and suggested you try getting off the medication. This person probably does not have ADHD and doesn't realize how difficult it can be to function in school wihout meds. I remember going through elementary school in the 1950's (with no meds, of course) and never knowing what we were talking about when the teacher called on me. So if your meds help you, don't feel you "should" try to get off them just because some people feel you should. That is a decision that belongs only to you, your parents and doctor.


Re: Straterra

Posted by LightShifter on January 26, 2004, at 21:15:50

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by Palbella on January 24, 2004, at 15:19:19

> I read about opening the caps and dividing....I wasn't aware you could open those. Is it true..If so i'll try less for him. Any info anyone??

Yes. You can open up and split the capsules. I do myself. I open the 40 mg. caps and split into 2 or 3 equal piles and put them back into empty capsules which I buy at the health food store. I think you can also get them from your pharmacist but they might be more expensive. You may also have some vitamins laying around you'll never use that you can empty and put the Strattera in.



New to Straterra

Posted by jlawr on February 3, 2004, at 23:39:19

In reply to Re: Straterra, posted by Ragesgal on January 18, 2004, at 22:34:25

I am on day two of strattera (40mg). I am 24, male and have ADD aswell as depression. I am also taking lexapro (10mg), which I have been on for two weeks. The only side effect that I have really noticed would be the "zombie effect." I am not sure whether to blame this on the strattera or the lexapro. I have been overly tired and had maor loss of energy since I started the lexapro and it has gotten worse with the strattera. I will just have to give it time. I am going to switch to taking my pills at night rater than in the AM.


Re: New to Straterra

Posted by dazed on February 4, 2004, at 12:00:20

In reply to New to Straterra, posted by jlawr on February 3, 2004, at 23:39:19

I had zombie effect on Straterra too, although I was a bit happier in terms of mood.

It did othing for my ADD, however, some friends think it's straight from heaven.


Re: Straterra working- but son still fidgets

Posted by kirick on February 5, 2004, at 18:58:09

In reply to Re: Straterra - No other takers? » zenclear, posted by kdg on May 18, 2003, at 0:44:50

My 6 yr. old son has been on Strattera for 5 weeks. He has just started to show some signs of improvement. I do like that he eats and does not get headaches. It has not helped with some of hyperness. He can't sit in his chair in school. Does anyone know about taking other medications for the hyperactivity?

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