Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 28672

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Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by stjames on December 5, 2003, at 21:41:13

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?, posted by Neil Slade on December 3, 2003, at 0:19:36

I understand you can control the weather by
clicking your Amygdala. Tell me more.


Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by AmyH on December 5, 2003, at 22:11:50

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?, posted by stjames on December 5, 2003, at 21:41:13

Yes. Alternative approaches all too often are shunned simply because they are different. I want to know more. But this Web site seems to have some guidelines for posting - maybe this should go to the alternative board ( the psychological board ( I'm not sure which, but could you respond there, because these posts might get deleted (see Dr. Bob's comments).


Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by stjames on December 5, 2003, at 22:40:52

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?, posted by AmyH on December 5, 2003, at 22:11:50

> Yes. Alternative approaches all too often are shunned simply because they are different. I want to know more. But this Web site seems to have some guidelines for posting - maybe this should go to the alternative board ( the psychological board ( I'm not sure which, but could you respond there, because these posts might get deleted (see Dr. Bob's comments).

Actually, Dr Bob does not delete these kind of posts, at least he has not in the 3 years I have been here.


Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by Neil Slade on December 5, 2003, at 23:56:11

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?, posted by stjames on December 5, 2003, at 22:40:52

I appreciate all moderately phrased inquiries regarding
the topics at my site-- especially regarding the
more far-out stuff like "Cloudbusting".

The details are all outlined beginning on
and please also see

I've tried to document this phenomenon as best I could with
a couple of short video excerpts posted on those

I first heard about "Cloudbusting" when I was about 18 years old
in a book by skeptic journalist Jesse Stern, in
"Yoga, Youth, and Reincarnation", in which he follows around
a couple of yoga teachers making a number of
extraordinary claims. Among the "tricks" in the books,
besides the subject gaining weight drinking a liquid
diet below the accepted calorie intake- was one fellow
who claimed he and his students could cause selected
clouds to vaporize at will through sheer concentration.
I.e., cause a specific cloud in a group of clouds to
vanish, and leave surrounding clouds unaffected.

Though Stern was a total skeptic, he had to admit,
it seemed to work as claimed in this instance.

My own experience at age 18, alone, and with friends,
amazing to me, seemed to concure that this was something
one could actually do with remarkable repetition.

I had forgotten all about this until about thirty
years later, and about a decade after beginning my
work with behaviorist T.D. Lingo at his research facility
in Colorado.

In 1997, and this was about seventeen years after doing my tour
of duty teaching creative therapeutic workshops in Denver area
hospitals and schools, I had finally published my
first book outlining the basic principles- in layman's terms-
about brain self-control methods explored at Lingo's lab.
I had already done one national interview on the Coast to Coast radio
show, and I was looking for a "hook" that might
get me a second appearance.

Suddenly I remembered the "Cloudbusting" experiments
as a much younger person, and knowing how much Art
Bell loved offbeat stories, I thought this might be
the hook. So, I headed to my backyard, camcorder in
tow, I tried to "bust" a couple of selected clouds
as described on the web pages above.

It worked perfectly as it had in the past-- and I have to admit-
as much to my surprise as anyone.

After I described the procedure on the air, both
Art and I were flooded with emails from people having similar success
on their own. Of course we got some emails saying
we were out of our minds as well, but the percentage
of these were certainly under 1/2 of 1% of the total
responses we received. Literally, thousands of
positive responses to "Cloudbusting" came in.

There are three posible explanations to observation
of selected clouds vanishing under the deliberate
concentration of an individual or individuals.

1) Such people truly are deluded, and it is only
a coincidence that a chosen cloud- and not others
nearby- will vanish within minutes during the
exercise. Of course this is possible, but the phenomenon
seems to be a repeatable event, given the parameters
I outline in the instructions. It should be noted
that people reporting success include college
graduates, and people in the sciences, as well as
people who start out thinking this idea is totally
nuts to begin with.

2) Focusing one's mental activity actually can cause
a cloud to trip over into gas from vapor. This seems
extremely improbable, but hey, there's a lot we don't
understand in this universe. I've merely reported
that this phenomenon seems to be real, and I'm not the only
one. And I am not an idiot, thank you. I too have
a college degree (like that guarantees sanity!) a verifiable
high IQ (like that means anything either).

3) It may be that the phenomenon is instead just the
ability to subconsciously figure out what cloud in
a sky full of clouds is likely to evaporate before
others. Although this is certainly not the same
thing as CAUSING a cloud to disappear, hey, it's still
an impressive mental feat.

I don't know that you could actually do a double blind
experiment to PROVE this thing or not, since I believe
that the consciousness of a skeptical observer would
have an impact on the results. Its the quantum physics
thing- I believe called "The Baxter Effect". I.e., if
you think the idea is a bunch of baloney- you will
prove via your observations that it is. This may
be unavoidable in this. There is also the notion that
the pressure to "perform" this feat under the
watchful eye of an official observer may also
negatively affect the results. "Prove it!" can
adversely affect the outcome of something rather
delicate, perhaps in the same manner as playing
your piano piece perfectly when your teacher is
sitting next to you-- you always play worse for your
techer. I don't know about
you, but there are just SOME THINGS I can not do
when someone is watching, if you know what I mean.

If someone wants to carry on such an experiment however,
and can do it honestly- more power to them. The
"Amazing Randy" claims to have done this in the past,
but I went overthe details of his "experiment" and it had more
holes in it than a pound of swiss cheese.

In any case, "Cloudbusting" is a fun thing to try,
and quite fun to observe and consider. Something
is going on here that defies explanation, and from
all the reports it goes beyond mere coincidence or
deluded nut cases making impossible claims.

The phenomenon is not simply the matter that clouds dissappear on
their own whether you focus your concentration on
them or not, since the idea is specifically that
you consciously SELECT a cloud among many to vaporize
alone- and very often, and what seems to defy the odds-
your chosen cloud does exactly this.

How this happens, beats me, it just seems to work often
enough to make you think about what may be possible to
accomplish with mental faculties.

As to the relative importance in the grand scheme
of brain self-control, increasing one's creativity,
intelligence, and gaining control over one's emotions-
well, its not that important. But a lot of things
in life that are just plain fun to mess around with-
music, art, games, playing, relaxing-- to scientists
and researchers who know about brain function, these
kinds of activities are proving to be more essential
to health than one might first suspect.

Thanks for your consideration
Neil Slade


Weather Control

Posted by Neil Slade on December 6, 2003, at 0:04:42

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?, posted by stjames on December 5, 2003, at 21:41:13

Actually, I got off on Cloudbusting in the previous post, but as to
weather control via brain and amygdala "clicking"
-- we simply did a couple of on the
air experiments to see if 20 million people could
cause it to rain in a target area.

Again, this is outlined on the web site.

I had NO IDEA if this would work or not, but delightfully
it did, and exactly as we had hoped on at least
one documented occassion on the site using
satellite weather maps to track the progress.

It's not something I think an individual could
do on one's own, and I can think of a lot better and more fun things
to do than rain-making. But, I would not dismiss
the power of 20 million minds concentrating on
an idea (our audience during the "experiment".)

Perhaps it would be more productive for people to
concentrate on things like global hunger, protecting
the environment, elimination of war, alternative
fuel development, and education. This is something
that is well within the accepted uses and
application of brain and intelligence, and
which I most strongly advise as good use of
one's intellect.


Re: Weather Control

Posted by AmyH on December 6, 2003, at 1:23:44

In reply to Weather Control, posted by Neil Slade on December 6, 2003, at 0:04:42

> -- we simply did a couple of on the
> air experiments to see if 20 million people could
> cause it to rain in a target area.

Fascinating. By the way, how did you get 20 million people to participate?

Is that the average estimated audience for the time you were on the air or is that the cumalative weekly reach of all the Clear Channel Communications radio stations on which the nightlong program was syndicated?


Re: Weather Control

Posted by stjames on December 6, 2003, at 1:39:10

In reply to Weather Control, posted by Neil Slade on December 6, 2003, at 0:04:42

the military has been trying to control the weather
for decades with no real progress.


Re: Weather Control

Posted by Neil Slade on December 6, 2003, at 10:53:34

In reply to Re: Weather Control, posted by stjames on December 6, 2003, at 1:39:10

Concerning the Coast to Coast audience- for any given four hour broadcast it has been estimated by Premiere that between 8-20 million tune in during the show. My interviews last from between three to four hours. There are something like 450 affiliate stations across North America, and the program is heard as far "east" as Japan and the MArshall Islands, down to Venezuela, and then over to Greenland and Iceland- guess it has to do with the bouncing nature of AM radio waves off the atmosphere. The program is also broadcast on the web across the globe.

Even if it were just a million people listening and focusing on "rain rain today" that would still be a pretty impressive number, and I doubt that any government project ever had anywhere near that number of people agreeing on anything whatsoever.


Re: Weather Control

Posted by AmyH on December 6, 2003, at 12:23:13

In reply to Re: Weather Control, posted by Neil Slade on December 6, 2003, at 10:53:34

> Even if it were just a million people listening and focusing on "rain rain today" that would still be a pretty impressive number, and I doubt that any government project ever had anywhere near that number of people agreeing on anything whatsoever.

That's impressive. Premiere Radio Networks also syndicates the Rush Limbaugh show, which only attracts 20 million listeners all week. Premiere's Web site does not seem to include audience information except that they say Coast to Coast is a night program with daytime ratings. It seems if the show had more than five times the audience (20 million individual listeners five nights a week) as Premiere's most popular daytime show, they would say that instead.

It seems unlikely that on any given night, one in 11 US adults would listen to the same radio show. It seems unlikely that many more than one in 11 US adults would be up all night at all, much less listening to the radio. Arbitron might be a better source for audience estimates, though, since in the radio industry audience ratings are related to revenue. Premiere has a vested interest in representing a strong audience because it would increase revenue. Most people I know have heard of Rush Limbaugh, but few have heard of Art Bell, or have listened to Coast to Coast AM.

I hope this isn't too tedious, but I took some statistics courses in college, and these things fascinate me.

Even if a program claimed an average 15 minute audience of 1 million people, standard rating methods identify listeners within earshot of the spoken word of that radio station. How do you know everyone who could hear the radio was interested, or agreed to participate in what you were doing? It seems if you claim to have enlisted 20 million people in an experiment and after a quick check the number turns out to be less than a million, we need to consider that when we assess the provenance of your claims. If a researcher claims estimated radio listeners as active participants, that also seems relevant to the provenance of experimental findings. You probably agree that truly intellectual scientific thinkers make efforts to consider the provenance of information.

The same Clear Channel radio stations were somewhat successful earlier this year in enlisting reasonably large numbers of people to support pro-war rallies in several cities. In that case, we know how many people participated because they showed up at rallies. Estimates nationwide counted about 20,000 people at the Clear Channel funded war rallies. New York Times reported that Clear Channel was the only active organizer of pro-war demonstrations nationwide. I guess that could be considered a military effort since the military (or more precisely an intelligence agency) hired a public relations firm to work with Clear Channel to organize the demonstrations. During your experiments, did anyone consider using group mind control to get Saddam Hussein? Do you still accept invitations to appear on Clear Channel programs?


Re: Weather Control

Posted by Neil Slade on December 6, 2003, at 12:50:26

In reply to Re: Weather Control, posted by AmyH on December 6, 2003, at 12:23:13

I've gotten lots of requests to do brain focus experiments
on all kinds of things, personal, politcal and war included.
I would suggest people first focus on voting out
republicans from the US Government.

As for regularly leading massive mind control experiments-
I leave that up to television programmers and Madison Avenue
advertising executives.

As to numbers of people listening to Coast to Coast, unlike
my references to the medical literature and experts in brain
research of which I regularly cite sources, its an informal
estimate straight from the mouths of the broadcast
company itself, and nothing more. You probably have a point.
Why don't you write to the company and ask them the source
of their numbers.


Re: Weather Control

Posted by Neil Slade on December 6, 2003, at 13:01:36

In reply to Re: Weather Control, posted by Neil Slade on December 6, 2003, at 12:50:26


I accept most large audience invitations to speak on my
subject matter, including Clear Channel. The hosts of
Coast to Coast, Art Bell and George Noory, are both
rather anti-establishment, quite the opposite of Rush L.
And even if Rush invitied me to talk, I would be
happy to let him know how much of his brain I believed
might be dormant.

But, I think this is a medical bulletin board, not
a political one, eh.... so, I think I've said enough
about that.


Re: Weather Control

Posted by maxx44 on December 7, 2003, at 0:11:15

In reply to Re: Weather Control, posted by AmyH on December 6, 2003, at 1:23:44

may surprise you both. want rain? ask Zeus--before you call me nuts, consider---the 'multi-verse' has heft. some noteable quantum and life-science guys are saying ancient or future events reflect not only the 'quantum participator' hypothesis of dr. john wheeler,, sort of you 'interpret' the 'meaningless sea of quanta' as 'it rains'---while others would say, as the greeks used zuse for rain for thousands of years, that creates a 'chreode of possibility'---like a valley you drop a marble into---it will follow the smoothest path, the one more established in time. how? seems there are no laws of nature, rather habits. so some 'multi-verse' advocates point-out---the universe of the classic greeks may bear inluence on the present. some say it still exists, another part of the multi-verse, now in our past. time separates us. like we're hopping from universe to universe every 'whatever' unit of time. that would explain 'positive thinking', etc. interesting?


Re: Weather Control

Posted by Neil Slade on December 7, 2003, at 2:47:15

In reply to Re: Weather Control, posted by maxx44 on December 7, 2003, at 0:11:15

Yeah, well I think I get what Maxx is saying, and I dig it.

We are like projectors-- you see what you expect to see, and in this way travel from universe to universe.
It's the Baxter Effect I mentioned previously.

I haven't done a web search for The Baxter Effect, might be worth while....

thanks Maxx


Re: Weather Control

Posted by maxx44 on December 7, 2003, at 15:58:21

In reply to Re: Weather Control, posted by Neil Slade on December 7, 2003, at 2:47:15

and thank you, sir. i truly suspect invoking Zeus, 'Cloud-Gatherer, Lightning Hurler' to be the ancient 'trick' of known 'rainmakers'. i am not a delusional bipolar---the get rich, go broke, rich, broke, etc. type. some have dxd me a 'cyclothyme' with its unfortunate periods of refractory depression. this goes to the times, as a joke, sort of, i would make an apparent fool of myself during florida's last great drought. i just went outside and invoked Zeus---and boy did it rain, flood even---to spite 'weather-man' predictions. of course tampa bay is the lightning capital of the usa---still, that drought was hurting fla., big-time. many years ago, san diego hired a 'rainmaker'---when san diego became flooded they refused to pay the man. funny old world, isn't it? is 'time' simply 'multi-verse' travel? i don't know, but i do know when i submitted much poetry in a russian/american competition, my poem concerning Zeus won---surprised me. but it made the front page of 'the russian journal of culture'. in large headlines.
their interpreter made the title, 'there still be power in starry gods yet'---perhaps the judges chose this one as russia seems 'starved' for religion, etc. best wishes---open-mind


Redirect: Weather Control

Posted by Dr. Bob on December 9, 2003, at 0:39:20

In reply to Re: Weather Control, posted by maxx44 on December 7, 2003, at 15:58:21

> and thank you, sir. i truly suspect invoking Zeus, 'Cloud-Gatherer, Lightning Hurler' to be the ancient 'trick' of known 'rainmakers'.

I'd like to redirect follow-ups not about medication to Psycho-Social-Babble. Here's a link:




Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by Neil Slade on August 21, 2007, at 23:51:21

In reply to Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?, posted by Susan on April 1, 2000, at 23:34:45

I love these critical kinds of posts that say absolutely NOTHING.

And almost always, by people who have both no clue about brain physiology, anatomy, behavior- much less the function of the amygdala, frontal lobes, or other important brain structure

nor, have even bothered to THINK and read with comprehension the materials I've posted as articles, stories, and scientific references.

The world is full of skeptics without a shred of original or analytical capacity.

So be it.
Have a nice day.


Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!? » Neil Slade

Posted by FredPotter on August 23, 2007, at 23:22:01

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?, posted by Neil Slade on August 21, 2007, at 23:51:21

Off the amygdala clicking site

>Carl Sagan has pointed out that in every brain, >your fantastic one included, there are more >combinations of connections than there are >protons and neutrons in the universe.

Imagine each neuron connection. It will contain at least 1 proton and 1 neutron. So much for the Carl Sagan pronouncement - did he really say that? It's absolute nonsense as we can now see.

Where did the idea come from that we only use 10% of our brains? That's nonsense too since evolution would ensure such a human died fairly rapidly and was removed from the gene pool


Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by Neil Slade on August 23, 2007, at 23:55:43

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!? » Neil Slade, posted by FredPotter on August 23, 2007, at 23:22:01

Okay, the observation about the so-called Sagan quote really intrigued me, because I actually didn't remember reading it myself- so here's where I believe the origin of the material came from, eventually landing on my site

Viewzone wrote the above article about my work years ago, and the Sagan quote is actually something that the VIEWZONE author wrote, not myself. I reproduced HIS article on my site-- and I did not change his writing, which would be quite unethical-- and yes, of course, the so-called Sagan quote doesn't make much sense.

Good frontal lobes observation.

What is generally accepted by most, is that the number of neural connections in every brain is a staggering number. Typically, people create metaphors to express this number, and I actually remember someone, and it might have been Sagain, but I can't say for sure, but the observation is that this number is equivalent to the number of visible stars in the universe, or grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth.

Ask somebody like LeDoux, or MacLean, or Eccles, and I think they would concure without any hesitation. Its a big *ss number.


Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by Neil Slade on August 23, 2007, at 23:56:20

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!? » Neil Slade, posted by FredPotter on August 23, 2007, at 23:22:01


It terms of the 10% brain idea- not mine, and I think I do a nice job of clarifying exactly what that really means-- and I do it using a lecture by Nobel laureate Sir John Eccles, whom I think had a pretty good idea of brain potential-

The idea that we use 10% of our brain is a common folksy observation-- see the page above.
Per your logic, however, we don't use ourour appendix either, and it- as well as the container is still around. As far dormant brain humans-- well, all you have to do is travel to Washington DC and that takes care of your argument. :-)


Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!? » FredPotter

Posted by Larry Hoover on August 24, 2007, at 8:56:01

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!? » Neil Slade, posted by FredPotter on August 23, 2007, at 23:22:01

> >Carl Sagan has pointed out that in every brain, >your fantastic one included, there are more >combinations of connections than there are >protons and neutrons in the universe.
> Imagine each neuron connection. It will contain at least 1 proton and 1 neutron. So much for the Carl Sagan pronouncement - did he really say that? It's absolute nonsense as we can now see.

Sagan's comment is absolutely correct. Note he said combinations. Just consider how many combinations of three can be made from a set of ten. Then add in combinations of two and four the same for the networks in our brain, with thousands of connections, and billions on billions of cells.



Re: Weather Control

Posted by elanor roosevelt on August 24, 2007, at 10:19:16

In reply to Weather Control, posted by Neil Slade on December 6, 2003, at 0:04:42

what about having a "babe" selling your highly scientific method?
hello out there
can't we have a "someone selling stuff" alert?


Re: Weather Control

Posted by Neil Slade on August 24, 2007, at 12:19:54

In reply to Re: Weather Control, posted by elanor roosevelt on August 24, 2007, at 10:19:16


You mean my picture of Briana on my web page?

She was my piano student for 11 years, and I found that it helped people see the link to the part of my site where I sell my books.

I don't pretend to be a dry textbook site, any more than Carl Sagan turned down his pretend spaceship in his Cosmos series.

For years I consistently got emails- "How can I buy your text books?" I finally cured it with Briana's photo-- and I never again got one of those emails.


Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by FredPotter on August 26, 2007, at 16:02:01

In reply to Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!? » FredPotter, posted by Larry Hoover on August 24, 2007, at 8:56:01

Well read Larry. I missed the would combinations. You are of course quite right. Grains of sand on beaches is a bit irrelevant given we've just established that the number is greater than all hadrons Fred


Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by Neil Slade on March 8, 2008, at 9:47:16

In reply to Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?, posted by Susan on April 1, 2000, at 23:34:45

I recently posted an update to my "How Much Brain Do You Actually Use" page as a current response to a new book by Sam Wang "Welcome To Your Brain".

It's a somewhat conventional, albeit useful look at the brain in 2008, and I appreciate anything that helps people examine their mind motor-- however, I do differ from Dr. Wang in regards to his "myth busting" claim that we use "all of our brain all of the time", which is really not supported by either data, research, or plain old common sense (admittedly in short supply).




Re: Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?

Posted by Newbee on March 13, 2008, at 20:09:40

In reply to Clicking the Amygdala?!?!?, posted by Susan on April 1, 2000, at 23:34:45

I have to disagree. My Amygdala is working overtime due to insufficient sleep. There was an article last October showing this. Google Sleep deprivation and Amygdala.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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