Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 214732

Shown: posts 1 to 22 of 22. This is the beginning of the thread.


Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 13:02:55

I seem to have problems with my memory/concentration a lot of the time. I'm not sure if it is just a learning disability or I can do something about it. I mention a couple examples of this so you can get an Idea of what I'm talking about

One example is when I drive with someone in a car it is difficult for me to recall where we're going and how we got there. I know some people have this problem but mine is much worse than most. I am terrible with directions.
I also can't find my car in a parking lot unless I concentrate on the location of it before I leave it. I can't casually just go about my business and remember.

I also forget simple stuff like if I shampooed my hair when I'm showering, I have to check my hair if it's clean sometimes. I've gone to get a Pepsi and found that I had previously gotten one already and it was at my desk cold and unopened.

Another example of my poor memory is when playing Chess. I play chess as a serious hobby but after the game I have a very difficult time recalling what moves I played in the game although almost all of my opponents can usually remember.

If I read something I seem to be able to remember what I read pretty well and I did quite well in College, although I usually didn't listen to my teachers much and generally got all my information from a book. Multi-tasking really makes it difficult for me to remember things, such as taking notes and trying to listen to the teacher at the same time.

Some of my memory problems may be due to Concentration and Mental fatigue..I often feel tired. I never thought I had problems with concentration because I can read long books and concentrate on them and play long games of chess but it may actually be an underlying problem with me.

I was wondering if any of you knew about any "smart drugs" that may help me. I'm 25 so the drugs used for people who have lossed some of their cognitive abilitly and are looking to regain it would probably not be for me. I'm also not taking any medications that would interfere with my memory.. I get plenty of sleep, eat well and workout regularly.

Thanks to all the people who answer my question!



Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems...... » GregCo

Posted by beardedlady on March 31, 2003, at 13:27:33

In reply to Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 13:02:55

> One example is when I drive with someone in a car it is difficult for me to recall where we're going and how we got there. I know some people have this problem but mine is much worse than most. I am terrible with directions.

Yes, many people are. This is normal. I don't know a lot of people who pay attention when other people drive.

> I also can't find my car in a parking lot unless I concentrate on the location of it before I leave it. I can't casually just go about my business and remember.

Been there.

> I also forget simple stuff like if I shampooed my hair when I'm showering, I have to check my hair if it's clean sometimes. I've gone to get a Pepsi and found that I had previously gotten one already and it was at my desk cold and unopened.

Okay, so this is a problem.

> Another example of my poor memory is when playing Chess. I play chess as a serious hobby but after the game I have a very difficult time recalling what moves I played in the game although almost all of my opponents can usually remember.

This is like trying to remember all the songs the Dead performed at all their concerts. Why even try?! Eek!

> If I read something I seem to be able to remember what I read pretty well and I did quite well in College, although I usually didn't listen to my teachers much and generally got all my information from a book.

>Multi-tasking really makes it difficult for me to remember things, such as taking notes and trying to listen to the teacher at the same time.

And therein lies the problem. People always claim to have worse memories than others or blame meds on lack of concentration (could be but usually isn't) when age and multi-tasking are so often the culprits. Try finding your keys when you're doing three other things, and it's next to impossible. I can't tell you the number of times I climb the stairs for something, get to the top, forget what it was, go back downstairs, remember again, and go up for it.

I want to say it's normal. It is! So many people suffer from this that it is actually the norm.

> Some of my memory problems may be due to Concentration and Mental fatigue..I often feel tired. I never thought I had problems with concentration because I can read long books and concentrate on them and play long games of chess but it may actually be an underlying problem with me.

If you are suffering from depression, this is a symptom.

> I was wondering if any of you knew about any "smart drugs" that may help me. I'm 25 so the drugs used for people who have lossed some of their cognitive abilitly and are looking to regain it would probably not be for me. I'm also not taking any medications that would interfere with my memory.. I get plenty of sleep, eat well and workout regularly.

Although Gingko is said to help improve concentration (or is it Ginseng?), I would 't try anything except saying out loud what you're doing. I'm going to get a Pepsi, you say. When you get there, you remember to do it. When you get to your desk, you say, "Here is my Pepsi." Try to concentrate on everything you do. Make a conscientious effort not to do two things at once or, if you have to, make some verbal reminders out loud.

This has really improved my life, though I often relapse.

beardy : )>


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 14:28:06

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems...... » GregCo, posted by beardedlady on March 31, 2003, at 13:27:33

Thanks for the reply. I had a feeling someone would say that most of what I experience is pretty normal but I do think I have a worse memory than most of the population by far. All of my family and friends notice it.

I do have spatial problems which do probably contribute to my problems with directions... My friends always drive when we go somewhere because they know I might not be able to get back home... As I also mentioned before I don't seem to have much mental endurance and I really get bad then. Last week when I was at staying at hotel after a long days work. I forgot my hotel key at the front desk, than I forgot my luggage, than I realized I locked my keys in the car! :( I'm only 25, what will I be like when I turn 50?! I just got a new job where I have to think a lot and I'm starting to think it's to much for my little brain to take. lol.

As for the Chess thing, I've played little kids before and even they almost always know what moves they've made! lol. When I go over games with my chess friends they always can put a positon that I was in on the board after a game and show me what they thought of it, I could never do that. I beat a 2500(a very, very, high rated player,) in a speed chess tournament a couple weeks ago. My friends wanted me to show them how I did it and they were flabergasted that I couldn't remember it. We asked him to show it to us so we could right it down but he was too pissed off to show us.

I have read about Ginkoba but that's mostly only supposed to help older people who have lost some of the memory abilities they used to have, the problem is I never had it! Oh well...Thanks for your help!


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems...... » GregCo

Posted by beardedlady on March 31, 2003, at 14:55:38

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 14:28:06

Gingko biloba is not just for old people. But you seem determined to find magic fixes for a lot of your troubles. I hope you find them. I haven't tried the meds you are looking into, and I don't know what your diagnosis is, so I can't help in that area. Sorry.



Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 15:18:18

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems...... » GregCo, posted by beardedlady on March 31, 2003, at 14:55:38

I wouldn't really define what I'm looking for as magic fixes. At one time medications for the relief of depression and for people who had a difficult time paying attention might have been considered a "magic fix"

As for my spatial problems, I was diagnosed with that when I was little, It has to do with knowing where you are in space. Everyone has varying levels of it. An expert diver or gymnist might be considers excellent spacially. A guy who walks out of a bathroom and can't remember rather to go left or right to get back to their seat at a restaurant would be considered poor spatial ability.

I went to a doctor a few years back and he told me I didn't have a problem in that area, he ascertained that by asking me to run, catch a ball and touch my thumb to each one of my fingers quickly. I did all of those trials well. From what I know that's not a real indicator of spatial ineptness though and fairly simple tests especially the finger test which I think has more to do with hand eye coordination which I'm very good at.

I recently learned that premature babies whose mothers smoked often had spatial difficulties which my mother did. From what I've read it's probably due to an underdeveloped frontal lobe in certain areas... I don't expect to find something that helps solve that problem but I was hoping I would find something that would help with some of my others.

As for Ginko Biloba I thought new study trials have shown only a marked improvement in elderly people who had lost some of their memory abilities.


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by falconman on March 31, 2003, at 15:18:38

In reply to Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 13:02:55

Hi Greg,
I can identify with what you say so much. People can say 'oh I do that , I've got a terrible memory too', but I am not evan doubting that my memory is significantly worse than those around me. I know that it is and it can be very worrying and demoralising. The experience you describe in the shower, about not being able to remember whether or not you washed your hair hits home. I do this probably 5 out of 7 days a week, often washing my hair twice just to be sure.
I am 23 and am interested in 'smart drugs' for the younger generation. I've tried Ginko which didn't help me. If you stumble across something that helps, I would appreciate it if you kept me informed.

> I seem to have problems with my memory/concentration a lot of the time. I'm not sure if it is just a learning disability or I can do something about it. I mention a couple examples of this so you can get an Idea of what I'm talking about
> One example is when I drive with someone in a car it is difficult for me to recall where we're going and how we got there. I know some people have this problem but mine is much worse than most. I am terrible with directions.
> I also can't find my car in a parking lot unless I concentrate on the location of it before I leave it. I can't casually just go about my business and remember.
> I also forget simple stuff like if I shampooed my hair when I'm showering, I have to check my hair if it's clean sometimes. I've gone to get a Pepsi and found that I had previously gotten one already and it was at my desk cold and unopened.
> Another example of my poor memory is when playing Chess. I play chess as a serious hobby but after the game I have a very difficult time recalling what moves I played in the game although almost all of my opponents can usually remember.
> If I read something I seem to be able to remember what I read pretty well and I did quite well in College, although I usually didn't listen to my teachers much and generally got all my information from a book. Multi-tasking really makes it difficult for me to remember things, such as taking notes and trying to listen to the teacher at the same time.
> Some of my memory problems may be due to Concentration and Mental fatigue..I often feel tired. I never thought I had problems with concentration because I can read long books and concentrate on them and play long games of chess but it may actually be an underlying problem with me.
> I was wondering if any of you knew about any "smart drugs" that may help me. I'm 25 so the drugs used for people who have lossed some of their cognitive abilitly and are looking to regain it would probably not be for me. I'm also not taking any medications that would interfere with my memory.. I get plenty of sleep, eat well and workout regularly.
> Thanks to all the people who answer my question!
> -Greg


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 16:39:03

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by falconman on March 31, 2003, at 15:18:38

Hi Mark, I tried Ginko too a long time ago and didn't have much luck with it either. A joke I used to have is I don't know if Ginko works because I always forget to take it! LOL. Seriously though I did give it an honest try with no good affects.

As for washing your hair twice you might want to try to see if your hair is squeaky clean before washing it again. Use the flat of your palm and press down and slide your hand down your hair. If it squeaks, you've washed it! LOL Sounds kind of funny but it works for me.

I have found a drug that might be considered a smart drug, it's call Ardafinil, there's a similar drug Modafinil that you might be able to get from the doctor but it might be difficult. Adrifinil is much cheaper too unless you literally go to Mexico. It's supposed to be used for Narcolepsy but seems to have some other advantages including improved memory, increased alertness, better concentration, better work effort (can do attitude) with little side effects except possible increases in liver enzyme which you should check after three monthes of use. That may be a pain in the butt but if it starts working for you it would probably be worth it, plus I've read the side effects are completely reviewable. Modifinil doesn't seem to have these, one reason why it may be more expensive.

As Wendy mentioned before in a response to me check it out using the search method on this board and it would also probably be a good idea to search on the web for information on it too. You might want to look at Wendy's response to one of my posts too.
Hope this helps.



Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by the blue professor on March 31, 2003, at 21:38:38

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 16:39:03

GregCo I hear what you are saying old buddy. I did have to go back and read parts again because I kept forgetting what you said. ;)

I have a terrible short-term memory. I can NEVER remember the date without looking. I lose things all the time. Went to the Mall not long back and when I came out could not find the car. I called the police because I thought it had been stolen, but of course it was right where I left it. I try to make lists of things to do but keep forgeting where I put the list or that I even made one.

Like you, I did well in school. I actually started school in the third grade by skipping the first two. Actually, being a 6 year old third grader is a little traumatic - I wouldn't advise it for any children after the experience.

I never could force myself to study UNLESS it was a subject that I was really interested in. Luckilly I loved science and mathematics. I struggled greatly with any history courses or college gen ed. courses that were not math or science related.

I was diagnosed as ADHD, inattentive type. I took Ritalin for a while and Dexedrine for a while, but my family frowned on it so I gave it up. It REALLY did help a lot, though, and recently I have gone back on Dexedrine.

I managed to get my degrees and work in the engineering field for a while, then about 25 years ago became a college professor. I did OK, you see, but what a struggle with things I didn't like. And the problems with the memory, being confused in strange situations, inability to find my way around, as you mentioned, generally not being able to follow what is going on around me for more than a few minutes and other effects. Not to mention the apathy and depression that goes along with it.

As a result of this we are thought of as strange and introverted people. We appear lost much of the time and become withdrawn and xenophobic. A loss of confidence in yourself is inevitable.

I am truly amazed sometimes that I have reached the level that I have. One would think that it would be impossible to reach this level with those symptoms as I have described. What happens is when you get older and wiser you begin to put a front up to those deficiencies and find your way around some of them. You act self-assured, confident and in total control because you must to advance in your occupation, have friends, not be thought of as odd and other things.

As an example, I have to attend many meetings. During the meetings my mind is full of 'hash' and I lose concentration ever so often. Since I am partially deaf, I may cover by going to a collegue and telling them that I couln't hear well from my position and ask them to synopsize what was said. During the meetings, though, I have learned to appear that I am immensely concentrating on what is said.

I do not have as bad a problem when I am chair of a committee and directing a meeting myself. I also have no problem at all with teaching. I have won several awards for teaching excellence. This is probably because I LIKE what I am doing and like the subjects I teach.

What I do have a problem with is paperwork and ancillary duties. I procrastinate terribly and try to avoid as many duties as possible that do not involve teaching.

This is getting a little long here, but what I am telling you is that there is a possibility that you have adult ADD (ADHD inattentive type). You need to go to a psyc and let them check you out for this. You might need to be put on an AD and a stimulant medicine, as I am.

Let us know how you are doing.


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 23:32:14

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by the blue professor on March 31, 2003, at 21:38:38

Thank you for your reply. You do sound a lot like me. I will go see a professional on this matter, I may have ADHD after all. I'll tell you how it goes when I find out a little bit more...


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by falconman on April 1, 2003, at 1:55:23

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 16:39:03

> Hi Mark, I tried Ginko too a long time ago and didn't have much luck with it either. A joke I used to have is I don't know if Ginko works because I always forget to take it! LOL. Seriously though I did give it an honest try with no good affects.
> As for washing your hair twice you might want to try to see if your hair is squeaky clean before washing it again. Use the flat of your palm and press down and slide your hand down your hair. If it squeaks, you've washed it! LOL Sounds kind of funny but it works for me.
> I have found a drug that might be considered a smart drug, it's call Ardafinil, there's a similar drug Modafinil that you might be able to get from the doctor but it might be difficult. Adrifinil is much cheaper too unless you literally go to Mexico. It's supposed to be used for Narcolepsy but seems to have some other advantages including improved memory, increased alertness, better concentration, better work effort (can do attitude) with little side effects except possible increases in liver enzyme which you should check after three monthes of use. That may be a pain in the butt but if it starts working for you it would probably be worth it, plus I've read the side effects are completely reviewable. Modifinil doesn't seem to have these, one reason why it may be more expensive.
> As Wendy mentioned before in a response to me check it out using the search method on this board and it would also probably be a good idea to search on the web for information on it too. You might want to look at Wendy's response to one of my posts too.
> Hope this helps.
> -Greg

Cheers Greg.
I've been checking out the possibility of one of these drugs too, although I'm worried they might increase my anxiety levels. I think I'm going to try deprenyl first of all, as it might really help the depression.
take care


Re: Picamilon for Memory, Concentration, Energy

Posted by Ame Sans Vie on April 1, 2003, at 11:15:11

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by falconman on April 1, 2003, at 1:55:23

I've been taking picamilon for two or three weeks now and am finding it's by far the best thing I've taken for depression, memory, and energy--also does some good for anxiety. It's a "smart drug", and said to be more potent than piracetam, the prototypical nootropic. In Russia it is prescribed for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, cerebrovascular insufficiency, glaucoma and surely other things; it's a dietary supplement in the U.S. (GABA bonded to niacin). I'd definitely give it a try if I were you.


Re: Picamilon for Memory, Concentration, Energy

Posted by GregCo on April 1, 2003, at 11:52:54

In reply to Re: Picamilon for Memory, Concentration, Energy, posted by Ame Sans Vie on April 1, 2003, at 11:15:11

I'll look into thanks.


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by GregCo on April 1, 2003, at 11:54:28

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by falconman on April 1, 2003, at 1:55:23

I don't think Modafinil or Adrafinil increases anxiety levels, although it does seem to make it hard for me to fall asleep at night if I take a pill too late in the afternoon.


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems...... » GregCo

Posted by Hollygirl on April 1, 2003, at 16:55:35

In reply to Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 13:02:55

Reading your post was so refreshing because it is nice to know I am not the only one experienceing these problems. I think it is just part of depression. I drive the same route every day and yet occasionally I will exit and get lost for no reason. Also, sometimes when I am driving, I will forget where I was wanting to go. It is even worse when I try cooking...I have used Vinegar instead of Vegetable oil, started fires in the oven, broke my finger in the mixer! But don't even think what you are experiencing is a learning disability. I was always in the gifted and talented classes in high school and this semester I will graduate college Magna Cum Laude. Go figure.


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by GregCo on April 1, 2003, at 18:21:55

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems...... » GregCo, posted by Hollygirl on April 1, 2003, at 16:55:35

I think that's part of it for me because when I'm depressed it does get worse, but lately I've been feeling less depressed than normal and I still have problems, just not as bad.


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......

Posted by McPac on April 1, 2003, at 18:29:45

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems...... » GregCo, posted by Hollygirl on April 1, 2003, at 16:55:35

Do any of you with this type of problem ever suffer from "confusion" (I'm NOT talking about 'normal' confusion in which you simply don't understand something; but rather, often out of nowhere, a state of confusion where you just can't's like I need to "boink" myself in the side of the head to try to get this confused state over with. I notice that sometimes (not always) I get a sort of "trembly", sort of panicky feeling in my head at the time, which REALLY makes it a state of confusion. Anybody?


Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems...... » Hollygirl

Posted by wendy b. on April 1, 2003, at 23:44:54

In reply to Re: Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems...... » GregCo, posted by Hollygirl on April 1, 2003, at 16:55:35

> I have used Vinegar instead of Vegetable oil, started fires in the oven, broke my finger in the mixer! But don't even think what you are experiencing is a learning disability. I was always in the gifted and talented classes in high school and this semester I will graduate college Magna Cum Laude. Go figure.

As I say in the post to GregCo below, disabilities like ADHD, which I think is a possibility here for some of you, do not imply any type of dumb-ness. In fact, there are loads of kids with ADHD who are also at the same time enrolled in gifted and talented programs....



Re: Picamilon for Memory, Concentration, Energy » Ame Sans Vie

Posted by Rick on April 6, 2003, at 22:38:11

In reply to Re: Picamilon for Memory, Concentration, Energy, posted by Ame Sans Vie on April 1, 2003, at 11:15:11

How much Picamilon do you take, and when? What other meds or supplements, if any, are you taking along with the Picamilon? Are there any physical side effects?



More good stuff on Adrafinil

Posted by jparsell82 on April 7, 2003, at 18:13:42

In reply to Re: Picamilon for Memory, Concentration, Energy » Ame Sans Vie, posted by Rick on April 6, 2003, at 22:38:11

Hi, I have Social Anxiety, ADD, and some depression. I also suffer from a very poor memory, concentration, energy, motivation, etc. I just recently ordered some adrafinil for myself. I can't wait til it gets here so I can try it out. Everything about it sounds great. Anyways... here's some tidbits about Adrafinil.

"Non-narcoleptic users generally find that adrafinil gives them increased energy and reduces fatigue, while improving cognitive function, mental focus, concentration, and memory. It has been reported that quiet people who take adrafinil become more talkative, reserved people become more open, and passive people become more active."

"You will note that adrafinil is the first of, what will almost certainly be, a whole new generation of safe, non-addictive antidepressants. Adrafinil is the founder member of this new generation of drugs, which are known as "eugregorics" (eu=good, gregor=arousal)6.

The main properties of a eugregoric substance are:

-improved short term memory
-improved attention and concentration
-enhanced clarity of thought.
-normalization of sleep patterns.
-less mental fatigue.
-higher quality of self-awareness.
-raised levels of optimism and enthusiasm for day to day life
-freedom from depression.
These benefits are experienced by almost all adult age groups. Adrafinil is the only eugregoric drug that is currently available.

Adrafinil allows a restoration of daytime alertness and studies indicate that it helps to prevent brain aging7,8. Adrafinil can be effectively used to correct ALL of the following conditions:

-general physical and mental fatigue.
-loss of initiative.
-reduction of motor activity.
-lack of, or decline of interest in social events.
-a drop in intellectual ability and a lack of new ideas.
-memory problems and a fall in efficiency, productivity and creativity. "


Re: More good stuff on Adrafinil » jparsell82

Posted by Rick on April 7, 2003, at 19:36:46

In reply to More good stuff on Adrafinil, posted by jparsell82 on April 7, 2003, at 18:13:42

I have non-depressive social anxiety, and my primary med for this is low-dose Klonopin, which continues to help immensely after nearly four years.

I haven't used adrafinil, but I took modafinil (Provigil, Alertec), its major metabolite, for quite awhile in tandem with the Klonopin. I'm a big fan of it, and may start it up again before long. Much of the blurb about adrafinil proved true about modafinil in my experience, with the major exception being that it *didn't* help cognitive function -- at least not beyond the benefits alertness can bring in that area.

Disappointingly, modafinil certainly didn't help offset my short-term memory problems (which may be Klonopin-related). But again, it was great in so many other ways.


> Hi, I have Social Anxiety, ADD, and some depression. I also suffer from a very poor memory, concentration, energy, motivation, etc. I just recently ordered some adrafinil for myself. I can't wait til it gets here so I can try it out. Everything about it sounds great. Anyways... here's some tidbits about Adrafinil.
> "Non-narcoleptic users generally find that adrafinil gives them increased energy and reduces fatigue, while improving cognitive function, mental focus, concentration, and memory. It has been reported that quiet people who take adrafinil become more talkative, reserved people become more open, and passive people become more active."
> "You will note that adrafinil is the first of, what will almost certainly be, a whole new generation of safe, non-addictive antidepressants. Adrafinil is the founder member of this new generation of drugs, which are known as "eugregorics" (eu=good, gregor=arousal)6.
> The main properties of a eugregoric substance are:
> -improved short term memory
> -improved attention and concentration
> -enhanced clarity of thought.
> -normalization of sleep patterns.
> -less mental fatigue.
> -higher quality of self-awareness.
> -raised levels of optimism and enthusiasm for day to day life
> -freedom from depression.
> These benefits are experienced by almost all adult age groups. Adrafinil is the only eugregoric drug that is currently available.
> Adrafinil allows a restoration of daytime alertness and studies indicate that it helps to prevent brain aging7,8. Adrafinil can be effectively used to correct ALL of the following conditions:
> -general physical and mental fatigue.
> -loss of initiative.
> -reduction of motor activity.
> -lack of, or decline of interest in social events.
> -a drop in intellectual ability and a lack of new ideas.
> -memory problems and a fall in efficiency, productivity and creativity. "


Re: More good stuff on Adrafinil

Posted by jparsell82 on April 8, 2003, at 19:45:58

In reply to Re: More good stuff on Adrafinil » jparsell82, posted by Rick on April 7, 2003, at 19:36:46

Hey Rick, thanks for sharing your experiences. I've been interested before in trying Klonopin for my Social Anxiety but I've heard it's sedating and can cause memory problems. Being that I already have memory problems and never have any energy I don't think it would be good for me. As far as the Adrafinil, I'm planning on also taking Piracetam with it. The synergy of those two together should help a lot I hope. Oh... I got a question about when you took Provigil. Did you take a single dose and did it last all day long? I've heard the half-life for it is 15 hours but I wanted to hear from someone who tried it. Thanks a lot.


Re: More good stuff on Adrafinil » jparsell82

Posted by Rick on April 9, 2003, at 8:56:32

In reply to Re: More good stuff on Adrafinil, posted by jparsell82 on April 8, 2003, at 19:45:58

100 mg of Provigil first thing in the morning definitely lasted all day long. I was wide-awake and full of energy all day. At the same time, it was never a problem sleeping when I *wanted* to -- even a daytime nap. Provigil worked for me from day one, and kept working. There were a handful of sleepless occasions, especially early on and especially at the "standard" dose of 200 mg (again, I usually only needed 100), but that's a different world than the frequent insomnia I used to have before taking Klonopin every morning -- with or without Provigil. (Sorry to belabor a point, but remember that my experience was with a combo of Provigil and an anxiolytic.)

BTW, my daily 1 mg Klonopin, all taken first thing in the morning, isn't sedating at all. (Klonopin did sometimes make me a little tired early on, especially when I took larger doses and had a two-three times a day regimen.) That's why I was able to drop the Provigil enitirely, although as I've indicated it did add extra energy and alertness and a lot of other good qualities like more-outgoing behavior. I originally added Provigil to help offset the physical and mental fatigue resulting from a Klonopin+Serzone combination. Even though the 1 mg of a.m. Klonopin alone is completely non-sedating for me, I sometimes wonder if it may potentiate any fatigue side-effects of other meds - psychotropic or otherwise.

BTW, I also tried piracetam for a short time, and later aniracetam for a somewhat longer time. While I certainly didn't give either one a long enough trial, they both made me kind of wired (at a fairly high dose for the piracetam). At the same time that it made me feel a bit nervous, aniracetam also made me a little sleepy. I don't know if the results would have been any different if these weren't being taken in combo with Klonopin. In the three weeks I took aniracetam (750 mg, then 1500 mg), I don't really think I saw any memory benefit. The package insert says to allow 60 days at 1500.


> Hey Rick, thanks for sharing your experiences. I've been interested before in trying Klonopin for my Social Anxiety but I've heard it's sedating and can cause memory problems. Being that I already have memory problems and never have any energy I don't think it would be good for me. As far as the Adrafinil, I'm planning on also taking Piracetam with it. The synergy of those two together should help a lot I hope. Oh... I got a question about when you took Provigil. Did you take a single dose and did it last all day long? I've heard the half-life for it is 15 hours but I wanted to hear from someone who tried it. Thanks a lot.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
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