Shown: posts 17 to 41 of 61. Go back in thread:
Posted by utopizen on February 13, 2003, at 19:25:16
In reply to Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 4:02:40
WHat's the generic name for Jesus Christ? I'll have to ask my pharmacist about its efficacy.
Posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 19:32:05
In reply to Mmmmm....pills....., posted by Bipolarsux on February 13, 2003, at 7:52:22
Hello everyone, I'll try to address EACH of your specific replies.
1) For "megg":
-I have absolutely NO "faith issues", in fact Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing on the face of this planet that I'm 100% SURE about!!!!!!!!!!!
-"Religious delusions". . . that's PRICELESS!!! Hey everybody, I've got an idea. . . let's just ALL "pop" 20 pills a day, "whaddaya-say"???!!!!
(LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)2) For "bipolarsux":
-You say you want "a cure", but from WHAT????????? I mean, seriously, do you honestly think you suffer IMMENSELY more than other "healthy" people????? Just because EVERYONE doesn't have a mental-illness does NOT mean they do not SUFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Let me ask you THIS: would you rather be Bipolar, or BLIND & DEAF???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-You say you want your "love of this life back", well, let me tell you this: Jesus said, "Whoever LOVES his life will most CERTAINLY LOSE it!" (So, consider yourself BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-You say that I shouldn't "tempt" the LORD, because he may call for my death (I realize you were being facetious, but I can use your crappy sense of humor to illustrate ANOTHER point!): As "masochistic" as you may think this is, I REJOICE when I get to drink of the LORD's cup. . . even if that means till DEATH (after all, martyrs will be the MOST richly rewarded in the life to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-You say, "Who cares about eternity?" Well, my friend, you certainly will when you're in the UNQUENCHABLE FIRES of HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-You know what ANGERS me the MOST? People who have NEVER read the Holy Bible, and CRITICIZE Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John 3:16 reads, "For God so loved the world that He gave his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have EVERLASTING life!"
Could you even IMAGINE watching YOUR OWN son be BEATEN, TORTURED, FALSELY-ACCUSED, SPIT-ON, and KILLED. . . and then have people like YOU not even APPRECIATE what He did??????(And people have the AUDACITY to ask, "Why does God let people go to Hell?". . . for EXACTLY THAT REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-Finally, I NEVER said that I thought Ozzy Osbourne was a "bad" guy, in fact, I actually happen to LIKE Ozzy!!! He's a LOVING, CARING, LOYAL, and COMPASSIONATE father & husband. . . unfortunately, my point was, in his YOUNGER days he was a COMPLETE FOOL for doing all the drugs that he did!!!!!!!!! (And, in my comparison between SOME of you [Not ALL, just people that "abuse" prescription pills, instead of REALLY FACING your problems; Bipolar actually FITS my criteria for USING the pills, so don't take this personally!] & Ozzy, I was simply trying to convey to you all (who DON'T seem to "get it"!) DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the end, it doesn't matter WHO prescribed them to you, or for WHAT "noble purpose". . . you're STILL going to FRY your FRIGGIN' BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just like Ozzy!)
3) For "rainee":
-You say I'm "hiding behind the LORD". . . well. . . isn't that what HE WANTS US TO DO????????????????????????
-You say I need a "pill for anger". . . well, considering ANGER (as well as HAPPINESS, SADNESS, JOY, BOREDOM, etc.!!!) is a NORMAL human emotion. . . I think I'll pass!!!!!!! (You, on the other hand, could use a "pill", for: TAKING TOO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-I'll say one thing for you: I have been known to "chuck a few clubs" on the course (but then, so do Sergio & Tiger, so I think I'mn in pretty GOOD company, wouldn't you say?????????????!!!!!!!!)4) For "cosis":
-You say that "I NEED PILLS" (lol!): I'm going to CONGRATULATE YOU. . . you've discovered PRECISELY the reason Jesus came to Earth WHEN He did!!!!!!! (Could you IMAGINE a guy claiming to be "in very essence God", and NOT being "drugged to the rafters" in our society today???????????)5) For "Rayww":
-Yes I do, in fact, know someone (whom I love VERY much!) that uses pills to "hide behind" instead of facing her problems!!! (And SHE'S PRECISELY my MOTIVATION for posting to YOU ALL in the first place!!!!!!!! It absolutely SICKENS ME to see what SOME of you people are DOING to yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-As for "fixing life's problems", Jesus never promised we'd have a "problem-free life" if we followed Him. . . but He DOES promise that (a) He'll only test us with what WE'RE CAPABLE of handling, and (b) His GRACE will see us through ANY SITUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-As for you telling me to be "calm like Christ", I think you're SADLY MISTAKEN about Jesus' VERY NATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Jesus came to Earth, He said himself, he did NOT come to bring "Peace on Earth" but, rather, "to drive a sword in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", He says that a Christian will suffer MUCH for His name, but it's still FAR better than the "alternative".
(Also, many Theologians AGREE, that Jesus would have been VERY animated in His dealings with people. . . He was VERY passionate about his "religion" [more like, His KINGDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!]). Finally, Christ was ANGERED MANY TIMES (remember the people who were using the Temple as a local "supermarket". . . Jesus THREW THEIR GOODS ON THE GROUND AND CHASSTISED THEIR BLASPHEMOUS WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!)
***Anger is NOT a sin, unless it MANIFESTS itself in a SINFUL MANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***
- I was NOT being "derogatory" in my remarks to the "pill poppers" on this board just REALISTIC. . . it's like the old saying goes, "The TRUTH HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Finally, this goes to EVERYONE, believe it or not, I ONLY wrote this message (and the one prior) to HELP some of you "discover the TRUE MEANING of LIFE. . . JESUS CHRIST. . . NOT Psychotropic medications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless you all, and I hope AT LEAST ONE of you will develop a true, lasting, and PERSONAL relationship with Jesus Christ as a result of this posting (and, TRUST ME, you'll find yourself needing "less & less" ("so-called") "medication"!!!)
Posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 19:47:04
In reply to What would Jesus Do ?, posted by linkadge on February 13, 2003, at 19:23:29
FIRST, there's ABSOLUTELY NO FACTUAL MEDICAL PROOF that SEROTONIN is AT ALL related to "clinical depression", and as a matter of fact, Prozac (and all other SSRI's) work in almost the EXACT SAME MANNER as LSD!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are NOT "mood-altering" drugs, they are (more appropriately!) "MIND-altering" drugs!!!!!!!!!!! (The "better mood" comes from the "subtle-buzz" that you get from the "minor" serotonin-BOOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
SECONDLY, Jesus would MORE THAN LIKELY SAY (as GOD, the Father, said (in the Old Testament, to a King), "Why do these people rely SOLELY on their "doctors", but do not ask for MY HELP???????"As a result of this King's stubbornness, God did not allow him to live!
As for King DAVID, (who "was after God's own heart", and ALWAYS sought God's safe refuge & counsel) when he fell ill, and PRAYED to the good LORD, the "God of Israel" allowed him an EXTENSION to his life (where, otherwise, he most CERTAINLY would have died!!!!!!!!!!!)
Ask yourself this: When Jesus, HIMSELF, was SO ANXIOUS that he "SWEAT BLOOD" do you think He would have taken an "anxiolytic-agent" (or "anti-anxiety" pill)??????????NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(And do you want to KNOW how I KNOW THIS. . . FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????)BECAUSE HE WAS OFFERED ONE (on the cross; alcohol!!!). . . BUT FLATLY REFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PRAISE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Jack Smith on February 13, 2003, at 20:10:03
In reply to Re: What would Jesus Do ?, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 19:47:04
Posted by Bittersweet on February 13, 2003, at 20:16:25
In reply to Re: What would Jesus Do ?, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 19:47:04
> FIRST, there's ABSOLUTELY NO FACTUAL MEDICAL PROOF that SEROTONIN is AT ALL related to "clinical depression", and as a matter of fact, Prozac (and all other SSRI's) work in almost the EXACT SAME MANNER as LSD!!!!!!!!!!!!
> They are NOT "mood-altering" drugs, they are (more appropriately!) "MIND-altering" drugs!!!!!!!!!!! (The "better mood" comes from the "subtle-buzz" that you get from the "minor" serotonin-BOOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> SECONDLY, Jesus would MORE THAN LIKELY SAY (as GOD, the Father, said (in the Old Testament, to a King), "Why do these people rely SOLELY on their "doctors", but do not ask for MY HELP???????"
> As a result of this King's stubbornness, God did not allow him to live!
> As for King DAVID, (who "was after God's own heart", and ALWAYS sought God's safe refuge & counsel) when he fell ill, and PRAYED to the good LORD, the "God of Israel" allowed him an EXTENSION to his life (where, otherwise, he most CERTAINLY would have died!!!!!!!!!!!)
> Ask yourself this: When Jesus, HIMSELF, was SO ANXIOUS that he "SWEAT BLOOD" do you think He would have taken an "anxiolytic-agent" (or "anti-anxiety" pill)??????????
> NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> (And do you want to KNOW how I KNOW THIS. . . FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????)
> BECAUSE HE WAS OFFERED ONE (on the cross; alcohol!!!). . . BUT FLATLY REFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> PRAISE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* * * * *
WOW ALL THEM CAPS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS MADE ME CHANGE MY MIND AND AGREE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...notYou are obviously very immature. How can you judge lest ye walk a mile in our shoes?
Grow up.
Posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 20:22:52
In reply to I am not Jesus and I don't want to suffer (nm), posted by Jack Smith on February 13, 2003, at 20:10:03
Mr. Smith, I can CERTAINLY sympathize with you!!!
But, as a "wise man" once said to me, "There's a DISTINCT DIFFERENCE between PAIN and SUFFERING, you don't CHOOSE PAIN, but you CAN CHOOSE how you DEAL WITH IT (ie. by SUFFERING!)"
My advice to you (if you care!): go to your local church and introduce yourself to the local Pastor, and tell him you want to learn about Jesus, and how you can get to know HIM!!!
TRUST ME, like many of you, if it wasn't for JESUS CHRIST, I (PERSONALLY!!!) would have ALREADY COMMITTED SUICIDE by now!!! (I'm NOT going to go into the "gory details" about my own personal struggles but, rest assured, you're NOT THE ONLY ONE with a "heavy burden"!!!)
Jesus said, "Now pick up YOUR CROSS, and FOLLOW ME!!!!!"
God Bless you, sir!
Posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 20:30:47
In reply to Re: What would Jesus Do ? » titleistguy, posted by Bittersweet on February 13, 2003, at 20:16:25
Oh sweet, sweet "IGNORANT BLISS"!!!
How do YOU KNOW that I do not "walk in your shoes"????
(Why do you think I came to a mental health chat board, in the first place????)
For YOUR information, I have been personally diagnosed with co-morbid "Generalized Anxiety Disorder" & MDD. Also, I've spoken to SEVERAL "famous" Psychiatrists & Psychopharmacologists about my symptomology, and they ALL CONFER that I ALSO have a "Protracted Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome" (I was MIS-DIAGNOSED as Bipolar last year, and subsequently put on over 15 Psychotropic medications, in just 8 months!)
I have 2 1/2 pages worth of symptoms (visually, physically, and mentally), but GUESS WHAT????
I NOW TAKE NO MEDICATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, yes, I do indeed "practice what I preach"
(And I'm "growing up" just fine, thank you, I'm over 6-feet! [Haha!])
God Bless!
Posted by lou pilder on February 13, 2003, at 20:43:40
In reply to Re: What would Jesus Do ? » titleistguy, posted by Bittersweet on February 13, 2003, at 20:16:25
You wrote,[...agree with you {not} are can you judge unless you walk a mile in our shoes...]
After reading the post(s) that you responded to by titeistguy,it appears to me that he/she was in psychotic depression for he/she wrote that [...not for...I would have killed myself...].
Then he/she goes on to write that it was a [spiritual] transformation , to use my words , that enabled he/she to Overcome depression that was suicidal. Now he/she hasn't written all the details of such deliverance from suicide, but I have a deep conviction, based on what he/she has written that it was real to him/her.
Now in his/her description of his/her jesus refusing a drug in His agony, I believe that it would take a deep , mature, understanding to comprehend the significance of the refusal. I am not a member of Christiandom but I have a Christian friend that told me the same thing years ago, and he was a very spiritually mature
person and he told me that the drug , probably, was a narcotic mixed in a solution of, perhaps, alchohol. Opium was a common pain reliever in those days, 2000 years ago, in that area of the world(Jerusalem) and was given to those in the latter stages of crucifiction. Now the significance of this is way beyond the PB board, and , perhaps, could belong on the faith board.
Posted by Phil on February 13, 2003, at 20:57:01
In reply to Re: What would Jesus Do ? » Bittersweet, posted by lou pilder on February 13, 2003, at 20:43:40
Posted by LA on February 13, 2003, at 20:59:44
In reply to WHERE to begin (hard to deal with SUCH ignorance!), posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 19:32:05
GO AWAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by lou pilder on February 13, 2003, at 21:04:14
In reply to DONT TAKE THIS MESSAGE PERSONALLY -KEEP IT CIVIL, posted by megg on February 13, 2003, at 5:44:49
You wrote,[...this guy is just a blabbermouth...]
Could you clarify what you mean by [blabbermouth]? If you could, then I could have a better understanding of your post and respond accordingly.
Posted by lou pilder on February 13, 2003, at 21:08:07
In reply to Re: WHERE to begin (hard to deal with SUCH ignorance!), posted by LA on February 13, 2003, at 20:59:44
You wrote,[...the ignorant person you are...]
Could you ,perhaps, write the sentance that you saw that concludes to you that titiestguy is [ignorant]? If you could, then I could be better able to understand why you referred to titiestguy as [...the ignorant person you are...] and respond accordingly.
Posted by Satinsong on February 13, 2003, at 21:15:56
In reply to WHERE to begin (hard to deal with SUCH ignorance!), posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 19:32:05
Jesus did have righteous anger, Sean, but He never talked vulgarly or cruelly. Do you claim the same right to be angry about sin as Jesus Christ? Do either of your posts sound like anything Jesus would have said? You can be emphatic without swearing and vulgarity and cruelty and sarcasm.
"But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, "full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so"--James Ch. 3 Vs. 8-10
Mental illness is a physiological disorder. Something physically wrong in the brain that can be helped with medication. Would you ask someone with a physical illness BELOW THE BRAIN, to go without medicine? Say if they had a heart problem, or diabetes? There is nothing wrong with medicine. All that is asked in the scriptures is that we do not rely on doctors and medicine ALONE but realize that God is in control and pray that He guide the doctors and ask for His healing. I didn't think we were talking about recreational drugs on this messageboard. You are haranguing the wrong people. Perhaps, though, you are only a flamer who likes to keep messageboards riled up just for the fun of it.
Posted by Jack Smith on February 13, 2003, at 21:47:11
In reply to Re: WHERE to begin (hard to deal with SUCH ignorance!) » titleistguy, posted by Satinsong on February 13, 2003, at 21:15:56
. . . so titleist probably still thinks I am going to hell no matter what. Might as well try to enjoy my time on earth.
Posted by Caleb462 on February 13, 2003, at 22:22:04
In reply to Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 4:02:40
I was on 1000 mg of Jesus every sunday for about 10 years, but it gave me awful side effects - a really BIG FUCKING HEADACHE!!!
No but seriously folks, Jesus was a cool cat. I dig him. Haha!
Posted by Caleb462 on February 13, 2003, at 22:39:26
In reply to Re: Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by Caleb462 on February 13, 2003, at 22:22:04
"FIRST, there's ABSOLUTELY NO FACTUAL MEDICAL PROOF that SEROTONIN is AT ALL related to "clinical depression", and as a matter of fact, Prozac (and all other SSRI's) work in almost the EXACT SAME MANNER as LSD!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I wasn't even going to retort anything you said, UNTIL you started talking pharmacology. Blatant pharmacological misinformation is just something I can't tolerate. SSRIs DO NOT AT ALL work in "almost the exact same manner as LSD". LSD does not inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. Instead, LSD is a potent agonist of 5-HT2a and 5-HT2c receptors. In fact, Prozac is the complete opposite, being an ANTAGONIST at 5-HT2c receptors rather than an agonist.OH YEAH, and by the way, what exactly is so horrible about LSD in the first place? Oh, that's right.... LSD is an illegal mind-altering drug, and the goverment tells me it's bad, so it must be, right? Of course, LSD also happens to be very effective in controlling OCD symptoms for some individuals... and has changed countless people's lives for the better.... but big brother says it's bad, so it must be, right?
Posted by Merci on February 13, 2003, at 23:05:05
In reply to Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 4:02:40
hmmm, do they manufacture jesus in the form of a patch?
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 13, 2003, at 23:20:13
In reply to Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 4:02:40
> I just wanted to give an "eye opener" to all you INCESSANT PILL-POPPERS who would rather take ANY DAMN DRUG (even if it will more than likely SEVERELY dissable your mind / body, or even KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!) rather than actually DEALING with your problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please be sensitive to the feelings of others and don't post anything that could lead them to feel accused or put down, thanks.
PS: Follow-ups regarding posting policies, and complaints about posts, should be redirected to Psycho-Babble Administration; otherwise, they may be deleted.
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 13, 2003, at 23:50:18
In reply to Re: Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by Caleb462 on February 13, 2003, at 22:22:04
> this guy is problably having faith issues and feels he needs to over compensate... this guy is just a blabbermouth.
> megg> > 1) You'll ABSOLUTELY LOSE YOUR FEAR OF DEATH!!!!!!
> Doh! I was hoping for something like, "You'll regain your love of life!" I guess making suicide easier counts for something, though.
> Bipolarsux> You have no idea what you are talking about. Please don't post here with garbage like that. and also people like you are the reason why so many me included don't go to church.
> I bet your the type that throws your
> please get a life.
> Rainee> WHat's the generic name for Jesus Christ? I'll have to ask my pharmacist about its efficacy.
> utopizen> You are obviously very immature.
> Grow up.
> GO AWAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> LA> I was on 1000 mg of Jesus every sunday for about 10 years, but it gave me awful side effects - a really BIG FUCKING HEADACHE!!!
> Caleb462Please be sensitive to the feelings of others and don't jump to conclusions about them, post anything that could lead them to feel accused or put down, use language that could offend them, or joke about suicide:
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 0:08:17
In reply to Re: What would Jesus Do ? » Bittersweet, posted by lou pilder on February 13, 2003, at 20:43:40
> Now the significance of this is way beyond the PB board, and , perhaps, could belong on the faith board.
I agree, discussion of Jesus, and religion in general, should be redirected to Psycho-Babble Faith. Thanks,
Posted by titleistguy on February 14, 2003, at 1:37:11
In reply to Redirect: What would Jesus Do ?, posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 0:08:17
Okay, I can take a hint (you try to get people to take an HONEST, SINCERE look at themselves and WHADDAYA-GET. . .)
1) I'm a male.
2) I was NEVER "endogenously" depressed (another mis-diagnosis, by a bunch of "HACK" Canadian Shrinks!). I FELT suicidal (but never ATTEMPTED it, because I'm capable enough of "Batting 1.000"), BECAUSE of the DAMAGE all the DAMN prescription pills did to me (specifically Benzodiazepines which, in my opinion, are NOTHING more than "blended ethanol in a pill"!!!)
3) I'm SUING my GP for "Medical Malpractice"
4) I was NEVER Psychotic. . . 5 Psychiatrists have CONFIRMED that (I just REALLY love the LORD. . . is that a CRIME?????????????)
5) When I say "Jesus got me through" I OBVIOUSLY don't mean LITERALLY (or I'd be in friggin' "lock-down", don't you think???), I mean THROUGH the GOOD people at HIS Church (gimme a break!!!!!!!)
6) I've been told by many Pastors that I have the "spiritual gift" of "discernment" (when it comes to Scripture), I was just trying to relate GOD to every-day "pill popping". . . um, I mean, life. . . that just "slipped out". . . HONEST ;-)
7) What's wrong with exclamation points??? Get a life, honestly!!!
8) HOW exactly have I been "vulgar" or "profane" (last I checked "damn" and "hell" were NOT considered profanity!)
9) I'm not claiming to have Jesus' "righteous anger towards sin". . . HOWEVER. . . PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE REALLY PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And "Pill-Pushing Doctors" are even WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
10) There's still no CONCRETE evidence that ANY mental illness is caused by a "chemical imbalance", so don't try to feed me that CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11) Prozac doesn't work EXACTLY like LSD, but Eli Lilly (when creating the drug) found that the long-term effects of using Prozac (to the damaged neurons) was almost IDENTICAL to that of LSD-use. Which was the point I was trying to make.
12) Go ahead and DO LSD, you LOSER, get "Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder" for all I care. . . you IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13) Dr. Bob, I mean NO personal offense (I think this forum was a FANTASTIC endeavor) BUT, having said that, do you HONESTLY DISAGREE with the majority of what I've said???? I mean using Atypical ANTIPSYCHOTICS for an ANXIETY-DISORDER!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????Give me a FREAKIN' BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I'm done, "good riddance". . .
Posted by Bipolarsux on February 14, 2003, at 2:29:08
In reply to WHERE to begin (hard to deal with SUCH ignorance!), posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 19:32:05
Chill out dude! I'm fairly new to this site but I see there is a religious discussion board. You might find a more receptive audience there.
> Hello everyone, I'll try to address EACH of your specific replies.
> 1) For "megg":
> -I have absolutely NO "faith issues", in fact Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing on the face of this planet that I'm 100% SURE about!!!!!!!!!!!
> -"Religious delusions". . . that's PRICELESS!!! Hey everybody, I've got an idea. . . let's just ALL "pop" 20 pills a day, "whaddaya-say"???!!!!
> (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> 2) For "bipolarsux":
> -You say you want "a cure", but from WHAT????????? I mean, seriously, do you honestly think you suffer IMMENSELY more than other "healthy" people????? Just because EVERYONE doesn't have a mental-illness does NOT mean they do not SUFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Let me ask you THIS: would you rather be Bipolar, or BLIND & DEAF???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -You say you want your "love of this life back", well, let me tell you this: Jesus said, "Whoever LOVES his life will most CERTAINLY LOSE it!" (So, consider yourself BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -You say that I shouldn't "tempt" the LORD, because he may call for my death (I realize you were being facetious, but I can use your crappy sense of humor to illustrate ANOTHER point!): As "masochistic" as you may think this is, I REJOICE when I get to drink of the LORD's cup. . . even if that means till DEATH (after all, martyrs will be the MOST richly rewarded in the life to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -You say, "Who cares about eternity?" Well, my friend, you certainly will when you're in the UNQUENCHABLE FIRES of HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> -You know what ANGERS me the MOST? People who have NEVER read the Holy Bible, and CRITICIZE Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John 3:16 reads, "For God so loved the world that He gave his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have EVERLASTING life!"
> Could you even IMAGINE watching YOUR OWN son be BEATEN, TORTURED, FALSELY-ACCUSED, SPIT-ON, and KILLED. . . and then have people like YOU not even APPRECIATE what He did??????
> (And people have the AUDACITY to ask, "Why does God let people go to Hell?". . . for EXACTLY THAT REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -Finally, I NEVER said that I thought Ozzy Osbourne was a "bad" guy, in fact, I actually happen to LIKE Ozzy!!! He's a LOVING, CARING, LOYAL, and COMPASSIONATE father & husband. . . unfortunately, my point was, in his YOUNGER days he was a COMPLETE FOOL for doing all the drugs that he did!!!!!!!!! (And, in my comparison between SOME of you [Not ALL, just people that "abuse" prescription pills, instead of REALLY FACING your problems; Bipolar actually FITS my criteria for USING the pills, so don't take this personally!] & Ozzy, I was simply trying to convey to you all (who DON'T seem to "get it"!) DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> In the end, it doesn't matter WHO prescribed them to you, or for WHAT "noble purpose". . . you're STILL going to FRY your FRIGGIN' BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just like Ozzy!)
> 3) For "rainee":
> -You say I'm "hiding behind the LORD". . . well. . . isn't that what HE WANTS US TO DO????????????????????????
> -You say I need a "pill for anger". . . well, considering ANGER (as well as HAPPINESS, SADNESS, JOY, BOREDOM, etc.!!!) is a NORMAL human emotion. . . I think I'll pass!!!!!!! (You, on the other hand, could use a "pill", for: TAKING TOO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -I'll say one thing for you: I have been known to "chuck a few clubs" on the course (but then, so do Sergio & Tiger, so I think I'mn in pretty GOOD company, wouldn't you say?????????????!!!!!!!!)
> 4) For "cosis":
> -You say that "I NEED PILLS" (lol!): I'm going to CONGRATULATE YOU. . . you've discovered PRECISELY the reason Jesus came to Earth WHEN He did!!!!!!! (Could you IMAGINE a guy claiming to be "in very essence God", and NOT being "drugged to the rafters" in our society today???????????)
> 5) For "Rayww":
> -Yes I do, in fact, know someone (whom I love VERY much!) that uses pills to "hide behind" instead of facing her problems!!! (And SHE'S PRECISELY my MOTIVATION for posting to YOU ALL in the first place!!!!!!!! It absolutely SICKENS ME to see what SOME of you people are DOING to yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -As for "fixing life's problems", Jesus never promised we'd have a "problem-free life" if we followed Him. . . but He DOES promise that (a) He'll only test us with what WE'RE CAPABLE of handling, and (b) His GRACE will see us through ANY SITUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> -As for you telling me to be "calm like Christ", I think you're SADLY MISTAKEN about Jesus' VERY NATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Jesus came to Earth, He said himself, he did NOT come to bring "Peace on Earth" but, rather, "to drive a sword in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", He says that a Christian will suffer MUCH for His name, but it's still FAR better than the "alternative".
> (Also, many Theologians AGREE, that Jesus would have been VERY animated in His dealings with people. . . He was VERY passionate about his "religion" [more like, His KINGDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!]). Finally, Christ was ANGERED MANY TIMES (remember the people who were using the Temple as a local "supermarket". . . Jesus THREW THEIR GOODS ON THE GROUND AND CHASSTISED THEIR BLASPHEMOUS WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!)
> ***Anger is NOT a sin, unless it MANIFESTS itself in a SINFUL MANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***
> - I was NOT being "derogatory" in my remarks to the "pill poppers" on this board just REALISTIC. . . it's like the old saying goes, "The TRUTH HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
> Finally, this goes to EVERYONE, believe it or not, I ONLY wrote this message (and the one prior) to HELP some of you "discover the TRUE MEANING of LIFE. . . JESUS CHRIST. . . NOT Psychotropic medications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> God Bless you all, and I hope AT LEAST ONE of you will develop a true, lasting, and PERSONAL relationship with Jesus Christ as a result of this posting (and, TRUST ME, you'll find yourself needing "less & less" ("so-called") "medication"!!!)
> -Sean
Posted by jay on February 14, 2003, at 3:03:06
In reply to My FINAL post., posted by titleistguy on February 14, 2003, at 1:37:11
Posted by OddipusRex on February 14, 2003, at 7:58:25
In reply to My FINAL post., posted by titleistguy on February 14, 2003, at 1:37:11
Posted by wharfrat on February 14, 2003, at 10:07:55
In reply to Re: I am not Jesus and I don't want to suffer » titleistguy, posted by Eddie Sylvano on February 14, 2003, at 9:32:11
Did this guy just get stomped at a game of golf or something?????????
Hope he's not headed up the stairs of a clock tower with a high powered rifle!!!!!!!!
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.