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Posted by Janelle on April 22, 2002, at 2:40:46
In reply to To BEKKA H - Janelle, posted by Bekka H. on April 21, 2002, at 23:38:52
Hi Bekka (a kindred spirit!)
I admire you for being able to get past your disgust and post a few new things on PB. I suppose in my heart of hearts I'll get to that point as well (heck, I'll have to - I've got health and med issues I need help with!) ... I'm just not there yet.
You are so right - there is a lot of good on PB, but I must echo your words that "the formation of a CLIQUE -- and Dr. Bob's endorsement of it -- is grossly inappropriate for this sort of community."
Interesting analogy you made to how on a much larger scale, this is how wars are started and your comments and insights on doctors and the med profession are terrific. In this case, a presumably good doctor and apparently well-meaning person has made a MAJOR MISTAKE with the formation of the exlusionary clique board.
Posted by Janelle on April 22, 2002, at 2:45:17
In reply to For Bob to chew on » Dr. Bob, posted by Zo on April 21, 2002, at 21:40:04
Zo - I realize we don't *know* each other well, but your name sure is familiar to me on here and I missed it while you were blocked. I must say, that in a few well chosen words (unlike me who runs off at the mouth!) you have raised some very important issues in this thread. Let's hope that Dr. Bob addresses them.
Posted by Janelle on April 22, 2002, at 3:04:25
In reply to You couldn't have returned at a better time » Zo, posted by Janelle on April 22, 2002, at 2:45:17
Well, as Dr. Bob indicated, there's now a 2001 posters board. Here we go ... soon there will be a 2002 and eventually 2003 and so on and so on ... what was once a cohesive family-like community will be unrecognizable.
It's rapidly becoming a totally fractionated (word?) - split and splintered bunch of separate, restricted clique message boards. This all seems so far askew from the intended(?) concept of a mutually supportive, caring website.
What is going on with the formation of these separatist boards defies comprehension. It makes no sense.
Posted by Janelle on April 22, 2002, at 3:11:15
In reply to Up pops ANOTHER one... soon there'll be..., posted by Janelle on April 22, 2002, at 3:04:25
Dr. Bob - I'm flattered and honored that you took my previous suggestion about the wording of the blocking notification to heart and have already changed it. Thank you. :-)
I have one more suggestion that I apparently missed the first time around because I was so distracted and upset by the word "permission" -- do you really think it's necessary to bluntly state that the board the outsider is trying to post on is "RESTRICTED"??
It's obvious once the rejection notice pops up that there's a restriction - why must "this board is RESTRICTED" be slammed in someone's face?
Why can't the message simply say something like "This board does not seem to be available to you ... if you feel it should be, etc." Short, concise, factual statement, with no *igniting* or connotative type words! Whaddya think?
Posted by DinahM on April 22, 2002, at 4:48:33
In reply to Re: so much energy, posted by Dr. Bob on April 21, 2002, at 23:16:36
Actually, CtrlAltnDel, probably has it right. The 2001 board probably should go uncommented on, but I'd like to try one more time, if I may...
First, I am sorry for my previous post. It is obvious that you ARE trying.
From some of your posts, I get the feeling you feel under attack. And I know that many posters feel misunderstood. And I'm very afraid that the 2001 board won't solve that, because... well I'm afraid that you might have misunderstood the objections to the 2000 board. Just my take on it you understand, but I don't think it's because everyone wants their own board.
So my final suggestion on the whole situation is this. Why don't you start a new thread on the topic. You can take a step back and listen rather than hear. We can take a step back and explain rather than get angry. Everyone can ask for clarification if needed.
And that's it for me. Because the part I was baffled and confused about was your part. I'm afraid that I may give you too much credit. A bad fault of mine. Projection I suppose. ;)
Posted by Phil on April 22, 2002, at 7:52:53
In reply to Re: oh dear » Dr. Bob, posted by DinahM on April 22, 2002, at 4:48:33
So my final suggestion on the whole situation is this. Why don't you start a new thread on the topic. You can take a step back and listen rather than hear. We can take a step back and explain rather than get angry.
Yes, a new thread would calm down some pretty venemous attacks. I've personally got to find a way to let this argument go.
If Dr. Bob makes a mis-step, whether it's with this board or who he's blocked, he gets attacked
like flies on a cow patty.
Why can't we just be grateful for the really hard work he has put in here?
I personally don't give a rat's ass if there's an old-timers board or not. But when I hear people calling old-timers names and such, I know the emotional level of who I'm dealing with. I didn't care one way or the other for this board until the attacks started and felt that there is a really mean spirited overtone to this.
Why do y'all give a shit? You can read the board, comment on psb. I and others go to all the boards still.
I was going to say that I'd just leave the whole mess for y'all to deal with. But I've avoided confrontation long enough. Low self-esteem. I've never thought in my 48 years that my opinion mattered; chalk it up to an alcohlic family of origin.
I'm not running from this one.
No more personal attacks, no more,"Gee, Dr. Bob, these people are screwed up but you're a doctor. How could you be so unwise?
If it's not this, it will be something else that you are all sure should be totally different.
Good, go start a board on Yahoo.
The fact is, we have supported this board and if we didn't early on, PB could have died, although I doubt that. A lot of us didn't have knowledge that pb2000 was starting. It could also maybe help get some of the really beloved old timers back that left becuse of this kind of BS.
Y'all are shooting yourselves in the foot.Next..
Y'all want a debate..bring it on.
Posted by Dr. Bob on April 22, 2002, at 8:06:26
In reply to To BEKKA H - Janelle, posted by Bekka H. on April 21, 2002, at 23:38:52
> On a much larger scale, this is how wars are started. We are all one people, but those who are insecure or narcissistic often feel the need to set up imaginary boundaries between themselves and others to give them the illusion of superiority or delusion of grandeur or some such thing. They probably need to fancy they are more special than the rest of us because they really don't feel special at all.
If this is how wars start, how do they end?
Posted by DinahM on April 22, 2002, at 8:21:55
In reply to Re: oh dear, posted by Phil on April 22, 2002, at 7:52:53
Hi Phil,
Just my OCD at work, but I want to make it very clear that my intention was never to attack any old-timer. I do really admire the old-timers intestinal fortitude and ability to stick through the bad times. It's an ability I don't have, so I admire it in others.
I did attack the 2000 board itself, I suppose, because I thought it was a bad idea, not because of any personal animosity.
And I never meant to attack Dr. Bob either. I was just surprised at his attitude in general and one statement in particular.
And my suggestion on a new thread was not for a debate but for a chance for everyone to be heard without namecalling or dismissal. So I suppose it wouldn't work if everyone wasn't willing to see it in that light. I guess it comes from years of peacemaking and dislike of conflict on my part, but this truly pains me.
And I know I shouldn't explain myself. I know you probably weren't referring to me. But I'm afraid that I just worry about these things too much. Sorry if this made things worse. My intention was to make things better.
Posted by beardedlady on April 22, 2002, at 8:51:47
In reply to Re: oh dear, posted by Phil on April 22, 2002, at 7:52:53
Posted by beardedlady on April 22, 2002, at 8:53:10
In reply to Re: how wars are started, posted by Dr. Bob on April 22, 2002, at 8:06:26
lose territory.
beardy : )>
Posted by Krazy Kat on April 22, 2002, at 9:19:28
In reply to People on one of the sides die, give up, or... » Dr. Bob, posted by beardedlady on April 22, 2002, at 8:53:10
what was the sound it gave off? i Loved that game...
Posted by Krazy Kat on April 22, 2002, at 9:24:25
In reply to This Thread, posted by kiddo on April 21, 2002, at 22:33:55
Posted by Krazy Kat on April 22, 2002, at 9:32:40
In reply to Re: oh dear » Phil, posted by DinahM on April 22, 2002, at 8:21:55
i Do appreciate this board and Dr. B's work. I also appreciate our work and the benefits he receives from it. it's a two way street. i shall not be guilted into retracking my concerns about the new board, however. :) i may crawl under my desk for awhile...
but, i hope i did not offend either - i'm trying to rethink my way of communicating, and don't even have a manic episode to blame any inappropriate responses on. ;)
I remembered the battle ship cry -- "I sunk your battle ship!!!" said with a fake british accent.
- kk
Posted by IsoM on April 22, 2002, at 15:44:10
In reply to People on one of the sides die, give up, or... » Dr. Bob, posted by beardedlady on April 22, 2002, at 8:53:10
Posted by SusanG on April 22, 2002, at 16:11:02
In reply to Wars... or they smoulder on for centuries (nm), posted by IsoM on April 22, 2002, at 15:44:10
Life is too short for me to continue letting this stuff bother me. I still feel the same way about this as I
stated in an earlier message but I've found this is becoming such a negative influence on me instead of the support
and care I first felt that I just have to tell myself to stop. I need to stop being hurt by it, stop being angered by it, stop being concerned about it. I just didn't want my lack of response to be interpreted as agreement or whatever. I guess we can agree to disagree and move on. At least that is my plan. See you in chat where we are all equal.
Posted by Zo on April 22, 2002, at 16:15:16
In reply to Re: so much energy, posted by Dr. Bob on April 21, 2002, at 23:16:36
>". . . .whew, it's nice to have something specific I can fix. :-)">Bob
In other words, we can save our theoretical breath.
Posted by JohnDoenut on April 22, 2002, at 19:15:22
In reply to dr. b, others, hurt feeling and old timers board, posted by Krazy Kat on April 19, 2002, at 10:46:19
For all this controversy, if no one uses the new boards, then it will turn out not to have been a great idea and can be deleted.
Posted by Zo on April 22, 2002, at 21:19:34
In reply to You couldn't have returned at a better time » Zo, posted by Janelle on April 22, 2002, at 2:45:17
Dearn Janelle,
Do you have my email? Wondering if you are going or coming or what. . .And trying to catch up on what's happened. . .
zozo1029 at mac dot com.
Posted by Janelle on April 22, 2002, at 23:11:03
In reply to Re: You couldn't have returned at a better time » Janelle, posted by Zo on April 22, 2002, at 21:19:34
No, I didn't have your e-mail, so thank you VERY MUCH for giving it to me. I have been feeling SOOOOOOO lousy lately it's all I can do to get online and check out this site. Keeping up with the formation of the new exclusionary board(s) was a distraction from how poorly I've been doing but now I fear that I've expended way too much energy I probably didn't even have in the first place expressing my concerns about the new board(s). At first, I remained silent and just read people's threads, but then felt that my silence could be interpreted as being okay with the new board(s) which I clearly am NOT. So I spoke up and exhausted my already exhausted self in the process.
Things with me are up in the air ... I sure WILL e-mail you when I feel up to it. Thanks for your interest! :-)
Posted by Janelle on April 22, 2002, at 23:12:40
In reply to Re: dr. b, others, hurt feeling and old timers board, posted by JohnDoenut on April 22, 2002, at 19:15:22
Posted by trouble on April 23, 2002, at 4:41:38
In reply to To BEKKA H - Janelle, posted by Bekka H. on April 21, 2002, at 23:38:52
Will you be the mayor of my new little village?
Posted by trouble on April 23, 2002, at 5:04:29
In reply to A bit far afield?, posted by shar on April 22, 2002, at 1:52:00
> Getting a bit far afield here, are we?
> >We are all one people, but those who are insecure or narcissistic
> often feel the need to set up
> imaginary boundaries between
> themselves and others to give them the
> illusion of superiority or delusion of
> grandeur or some such thing.
> >They probably need to fancy they are
> more special than the rest of us
> because they really don't feel special at all.
> Hmm. I may have illusions, delusions, be insecure, narcissistic, and not feel special at all thus need to fancy I'm more special than the rest...whew!...but that just means I'm generally screwed up, not that the 2K board 'membership' fills any of those alleged holes in my psyche. Would that it could heal me!
> SharYo Shar-
Is there a point somewhere in here? I mean what does this mean Shar? What when where whyfore how and who are you addressing? What is the meaning of this? Do you really think Bekka was suggesting that the O.T. addition could cure y'all's personality problems? Open the bun, look at the beef, it's meaty, not so instantly digestable as your response suggests.
No one's saying you have to swallow.
But is this your way of spitting it out?
Why not just swear?
Or do like Lily-88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888or perhaps,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzstill hungry,
Posted by trouble on April 23, 2002, at 5:22:57
In reply to Ladies, we are dealing with. . .A MALE » Dr. Bob, posted by Zo on April 22, 2002, at 16:15:16
> >". . . .whew, it's nice to have something specific I can fix. :-)"
> >Bob
> In other words, we can save our theoretical breath.
> Zo
>>>Zo, why not just shoot him in the kneecaps?
You know you are my hero Zo, but I must step in for a hot second here. You know Dr. Bob is himself a theoretician on par w/ all your highfalutin standards, so that doesn't wash. You are being WOMANISH right now. That's a paddlin.
Oh and I know you're trying to straighten me out on this but so what if men are male? Don't you ever wish you could trade in your ovaries for logorythyms? I thank my stars that God that F***er somehow got one thing right-the "opposite" in the opposite sex. Viva la diferance and all that happy horsesh*t
We need to,
your protege
Posted by Krazy Kat on April 23, 2002, at 15:15:57
In reply to Ladies, we are dealing with. . .A MALE » Dr. Bob, posted by Zo on April 22, 2002, at 16:15:16
Posted by Lini on April 23, 2002, at 18:43:00
In reply to i wouldn't make it a male/female thing (nm) » Zo, posted by Krazy Kat on April 23, 2002, at 15:15:57
I think I started all this disagreement with the OTers board, I was pretty offended by Greg's suggestion, (not by Greg, just the board idea) and so had to put in my two cents. Now we've got close to a million dollars here and I don't really understand where things will end with this. So, Doctor with the Surfboard (Phil's posts are pretty damn funny) what shall be the resolution?How many people have to hate the idea before it gets booted and how many people have to love it before it stays permanently? Cause if we've got an Old Timers board for keeps, well, as I have mentioned, as long as you're taking requests, I think that everyone should be able to have their suggested boards implemented.
Just like Greg. :)
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