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Posted by Mrs. C on March 20, 2004, at 21:22:08
In reply to RE: Nemo, posted by mystic on March 20, 2004, at 20:08:43
Hi Mystic, how are you today. How was your shopping trip. I think that it's really cool that you will be in the delivery room with your daughter. What a great experience for you!
Tonight is my 8 year olds sleepover birthday party. She has seven friends over and they are all running all over the house. I am missing my quiet time that I usually only get this time of night, ha ha. I took them to a movie and we just got done having cake and they are all "sugared up". Lucky me. I will talk to ya tomorrow, if I make it! Mrs. C
Posted by mystic on March 20, 2004, at 22:45:59
In reply to Mystic, posted by Mrs. C on March 20, 2004, at 21:22:08
Mrs C.....Wow if you can do over 7 children in your house overnight....YOU ARE CURED..hahhaa Wow I sure remember those days and not sure that I couldve done it right now..So meds must be working...Speaking of which how goes the 15mgs.. I hope that tomorrow is going to be a good day for you ...and you get some quiet time..I miss those days children can just bring out the best in you....Have a great rest of the weekend...Mystic
Posted by Nemo2 on March 20, 2004, at 23:19:51
In reply to RE: Nemo, posted by mystic on March 20, 2004, at 20:08:43
Hi mystic,
I've read so much on Lex over the last 10 weeks that I can't site the source on the peak blood level timing of 5 hours after ingestion. I just checked the drug's website and couldn't find it. I'm sure I read it within the last two weeks and it was in an article on the internet about SSRI's. Sorry not to have the specifics.
Posted by Malka on March 21, 2004, at 3:10:35
In reply to Re: Wellbutrin » Simus, posted by LynneDa on March 18, 2004, at 9:55:20
Can someone tell me how Wellbutrin works on the brain please. is it an SSRI, SNRI or any other acronym? I tried Effexor and hated it and am now looking for an alternative to help my depression and anorexia. Thank you
Posted by Simus on March 21, 2004, at 5:08:59
In reply to Re:WELLBUTRIN, posted by Malka on March 21, 2004, at 3:10:35
> Can someone tell me how Wellbutrin works on the brain please. is it an SSRI, SNRI or any other acronym? I tried Effexor and hated it and am now looking for an alternative to help my depression and anorexia. Thank you
I went to the Wellbutrin manufacturer's site to get some info when I started taking it a few days ago, and I remember that they said that it is not for someone who had had an eating disorder or seizures.
Wellbutrin is not a SSRI. Those target serotonin in the brain. Wellbutrin is in a completely different class of antidepressants, and it targets dopamine and norepinpehrin.
Effexor is a SNRI, which targets serotonin and norepinephrin.
Have you tried an SSRI?
Please keep in mind, I am just another poster here at the site, not a doctor. Your doctor will have to help you find something that will work for you.
Good luck, and God bless.
Posted by peace123 on March 21, 2004, at 5:09:44
In reply to RE: Nemo, posted by Nemo2 on March 20, 2004, at 23:19:51
nemo I found this>
Absorption and DistributionFollowing a single oral dose (20 mg tablet or solution) of escitalopram, peak blood levels occur at about 5 hours. Absorption of escitalopram is not affected by food.
source :
Maybe this is the site you saw it on .
Posted by Simus on March 21, 2004, at 5:36:20
In reply to Re: 70 Days on Lex, posted by Nemo2 on March 20, 2004, at 19:14:21
> I've been a 10 mile a week runner for many years and also lift weights for an hour vigorously twice weekly when time allows. That habit helps me a lot. I'm changing my diet to conform more with a book I just found called "The Diet Cure". Less bread and pasta. More protein and veggies. I have been on a pretty healthy diet for the last year and am at my ideal weight. No caffiene, alcohol or tobacco. Used to have a couple of cocktails daily and have not missed it in the last couple of months.
Wow, Nemo! You are an inspiration to me. But I have some questions for you if you don't mind answering. My sister is an exercise nut. And she swears by the Diet Cure book. She is convinced if I exercise more and follow the diet called out in the Diet Cure book, I will be OK and off of meds. (depression/anxiety/OCD) Can you give me a little more info on how much you think exercise and diet have improved your condition? By the way, the lady who wrote the Diet Cure also came out with a new book called the Mood Cure. It appears to also be a good book. Have you read Depression Free, Naturally?
> The goal is to see what a proper amino acid balance and minimized effect of blood sugar variability does to my depression and life long digestive problems.
Could you please let me know what you find out? I am just curious (OK, nosy).> Has anyone had experience with taking 5HTP (Tryptophan) for depression?
Go to the Psycho-Babble alternative site and ask there too. I have seen 5HTP mentioned there often. I believe (remember that I am no expert) that you have to be careful in taking 5HTP with SSRIs, because the 5HTP will increase the serotonin in the brain and you could potentially fall into "serotonin syndrome", or too much serotonin in the brain. That is a dangerous situation, and could lead to coma or death. So please educate yourself before you try it, and be careful!
Best of luck, and God bless.
Posted by BobYuma on March 21, 2004, at 7:16:21
In reply to Re: 70 Days on Lex, posted by Nemo2 on March 20, 2004, at 19:14:21
> > ... Has anyone had experience with taking 5HTP (Tryptophan) for depression?
... Thanks again and I thank God for this website, Nemo.
Hi, Nemo. Cool name you have there.
About the 5HTP, I have taken it in the past, and it works good for me
if I am not having what I refer to as a "major anxiety-instigator event" going on in my life at the time. I'm talking about such things as life-threatening illnesses in the family and the loss of loved ones. These things are my greatest hurdles, and the 5HTP just doesn't do it for me during these periods.Of course you know, you should never take 5HTP if you're already taking an AD or even if you're coming off of an AD.
Good luck and God Bless.
Posted by mystic on March 21, 2004, at 8:52:11
In reply to Re:WELLBUTRIN » Malka, posted by Simus on March 21, 2004, at 5:08:59
Malka....You need to be very careful when chosing a medication with your eating disorder...My daughter was or is anorexic/bulemic and she took celexa and it helped her with her issues until she became pregnant then she discontinued...Lexapro is in the same family as celexa...The point is you really need to have a good dr tell you what you need to be on because it is very important..Good luck to you and keep posting....Mystic
Posted by Nemo2 on March 21, 2004, at 13:24:18
In reply to Re: 70 Days on Lex, posted by Simus on March 21, 2004, at 5:36:20
>>Can you give me a little more info on how much you think exercise and diet have improved your condition?
On exercise: I know the running releases endorphins and makes me feel good for hours afterword. I also know that it increases my already fast metabolism and allows me to keep my body weight close to "normal" and still eat a lot of food. I've been running for 20 years, so it precedes the serious problems with depression I've had in the last few years. My GPdoc tells me that my stupidly busy work schedule and previous alcohol habits would have taken a much worse toll if I was not so exercise fit. So it's more a matter of how much worse depression and anxiety would have been without years of exercise than it is how much it's helped me improve the depression. Might have already saved my life, who knows.
>>Have you read Depression Free, Naturally?
Have not, but I did find the www.healthrecovery website this morning and they offer the book. Sounds like a good source of info for me. Thanks.
> > The goal is to see what a proper amino acid balance and minimized effect of blood sugar variability does to my depression and life long digestive problems.
> >
> Could you please let me know what you find out? I am just curious (OK, nosy).Too early to tell as of today. I have much to learn about the amino acids. There are lots of differing opinions in this community among patients and docs, both. I suspect it's individual and the cure for each of us is a matter of careful study, patience, good counsel and very careful trial and error.
I'm 10 weeks into 10mg daily of Lex and I've got to be careful what and when and how I approach this Tryptophan route. I read Internet sources for 2 hours this morning and I've seen every imaginable opinion.
One opinion I have is that getting the amino through the Blood Brain Barrier is the biggest variable for all of us. If you can accomplish that with supplements consistently, I think you can get mentally healthy without SSRI's. 20 years ago I tried using BHT in crystaline oral doses for managing herpes symptoms. There was no noticeable effect at all until one night. I took a dose with no food on a stomach that had been empty for about 6 hours and then woke up an hour later with a very strong reaction. Not a bad one, just very noticeable. I am convinced that this was because it was the ONLY time in about 30 doses that I got the BHT through the BBB. Just my uneducated guess.
Thanks for responding and my best to you. Nemo.
Posted by Mrs. C on March 21, 2004, at 14:52:30
In reply to RE: Mrs C., posted by mystic on March 20, 2004, at 22:45:59
Hey, Well I made it! All of the girls have left and the clean up has begun. Things went pretty well. We got to bed around 1am and awoke at 7:30. Not too bad, they were good. The old me would have been a nervous wreck worrying about getting the house messed up. The new me didn't sweat that stuff at all. It felt really good just to enjoy the party. I wonder if my kids noticed the improvement of Mom not being so anal! I am in the process now of getting things cleaned up but needed a break and a piece of chocolate. Decided to check the board. Well, back to work now. Hope your day is going okay. I'll come back later to look at more posts. Mrs. C
Posted by mystic on March 21, 2004, at 17:31:23
In reply to RE: Mystic, posted by Mrs. C on March 21, 2004, at 14:52:30
Hey Mrs C..think you are posting on the wrong site for personal...hahahha..we will get booted...But I will be with ya...I'm soooo happy that you enjoyed the party that is a big one...A lot of stress..but sounds like you did a great job and actually got to enjoy it..And that is what is going to happen next weekend for the baby shower...You sound absolutely wonderful and I'm sooo happy for you...Your such a nice person and the children are young for such a short time to be able to enjoy it is the best...Your daughter will remember this party for a long time to come..>Congratulations on giving her a great memory...Wish we wouldve all had a lot more of those and we wouldnt have been as anxious and depressed...Take care and hope you had time to relax today after all the cleanup...Mystic
Posted by Mrs. C on March 21, 2004, at 21:27:53
In reply to RE: Nemo, posted by Nemo2 on March 20, 2004, at 23:19:51
I remember reading that somewhere too. Mrs. C
Posted by Mrs. C on March 21, 2004, at 21:59:30
In reply to Hey Mrs C., posted by mystic on March 21, 2004, at 17:31:23
Mystic, I am so worried about Sandy. What can we do. I am afraid to go to bed thinking about her and her children. Sometimes this board is so frustrating because you want to reach out but you can only do so much over the computer. I'm just sick over this! Are you here tonight with me. It's about 11:00 Sunday night. Mrs. C
Posted by mystic on March 21, 2004, at 22:11:32
In reply to Re: Hey Mrs C., posted by Mrs. C on March 21, 2004, at 21:59:30
I just posted on the other board...but we did try to help and we have to let it go for now...I'm not sure what is going on but it is frustrating ...We are here to help and to get help and that is what we did..It can be frustrating because all we can do is post and that is about the extent of reaching out...I know that I have been corresponding through e-mails also and that is a little more help as far as being able to reach out easier...But go to bed and try to get some sleep there is nothing else we can do now and you know that...You have to get up tomorrow morning and start your week..Get some rest...Take care Mrs C....Mystic
Posted by mel_light on March 22, 2004, at 9:43:58
In reply to Re: Does it get better to Lynne » linnie, posted by LynneDa on March 19, 2004, at 11:57:16
> Hi Linnie -
> I started at 10 mg, then upped to 20 mg after 10 weeks. I've now been on 20 mg for about 11 weeks. My worst times are right before my period and that is the reason I upped. That time is now much better, I get a little out of wack but not too bad. I still have insomnia and some inorgasmia that I would like to address. I'm tired of medicating myself to sleep, but if that is my only alternative I guess that's it. I'm not ready to go off the Lex!
> Take care,
> Lynne
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I also have problems worse rigt before my period. I've now been on lex for 5 weeks and feel better anxiety wise but have been having horrible nightmares...Has anybody else experienced this? I don't know if it's just because I'm pms'ing right now or if this is normal...HELP???
Posted by sexylexy on March 22, 2004, at 9:57:35
In reply to Re: Does it get better/ Nightmares on lex street, posted by mel_light on March 22, 2004, at 9:43:58
Hey Linnie,
When I took zoloft for 3 weeks, I had terrible vivid nightmares. Now on lex (20mg) I have really wild vivid dreams but there are not scary as were the other ones. My doctor told me to try to really relax before going to sleep. My father is a psychologist and he gave me some tapes to listen to which are really good for relaxation. This seems to help me forget the dreams I am having and put me in a better sleep. You may want to go to like barnes and noble and pick up a good relaxation tape. Listen to it before bed and see if it helps!
Good luck, God Bless,
Posted by want info on March 22, 2004, at 10:39:04
In reply to Re: Does it get better/ Nightmares on lex street, posted by mel_light on March 22, 2004, at 9:43:58
the pms thing i think is many ppl on this board have felt out of whack before their periods. i feel that way myself right now. im at the end of my 6th week!! EM
Posted by ednababish on March 22, 2004, at 10:51:02
In reply to Re: Does it get better/ Nightmares on lex street, posted by mel_light on March 22, 2004, at 9:43:58
My dreams are certainly very vivid--but I take trazadone for insomnia and chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia. They were also vivid while I was pregnant. Could be either the meds OR the natural hormonal surges. Believe it or not it could also be considered a good thing--remembering dreams means that you are getting adequate REM sleep, which is necessary to physical as well as emotional healing. But a few good sleep rituals and talismans are probably in order as well: twenty pages of a good book or a dose of Nick at Night, flannel jammies, warm milk, a warm and fragrant bath with lavender, chamomile, vanilla (Bath and Body Works aromatherapy line is wonderful, especially the lavender and vanilla), soothing pillow spray, t-shirt sheets or flannel sheets, low lights. Just writing that made me feel relaxed! Just remember that your bed is your haven, not your battleground. Good luck and good night.
Posted by platinumbride on March 22, 2004, at 13:08:58
In reply to For those on lex and wellbutrin, posted by sexylexy on March 19, 2004, at 21:19:20
Although lexapro was not effective for depression, I am glad that I had some left when I first went on wellbutrin, for it did help some of that anxiety I had during the initial stages of my wellbutrin use.
Still and all, I DID have to use klonopin (still do...and did even without wellbutrin in the picture) so I don't imagine it would be a bad thing to have a benzo handy just in case you need it for the adjustment period you body will go through with wellbutrin.
Lex and wellb seems to be a good bet for a lot of people, so if you decide to go with it, I hope it will be a good cocktail for you too....
Posted by want info on March 22, 2004, at 13:28:44
In reply to Re: Hey Mrs C., posted by Mrs. C on March 21, 2004, at 21:59:30
hi mrs c...i just posted to her's so hard, i feel awful too. i don't know what the point of this post is other than to say i feel awful and am thinking of her (and all of us!!) too...EM
Posted by Anjul on March 22, 2004, at 19:10:40
In reply to Re: Hey Mrs C., posted by mystic on March 21, 2004, at 22:11:32
Hi everyone. I'm on 10 Lex and still can;t get much sleep (since October). My pdoc gave me Remeron to take at night (15 mg). I'm wondering what to expect and whether to take the 15 mgs or just 7.5. HAs anyone tried this combo????
thanks, Anjul
Posted by sideorder on March 23, 2004, at 8:28:09
In reply to Re: Sexual Dysfunction and Lexapro? Need Feedback, posted by sltex on March 19, 2004, at 18:21:07
sltex- thanks for the reply. I've been on lex for about 6 days now and thankfully no ED---but as you stated, it does cause the delayed ejaculation...but hey---that's not all bad and my girlfiend and I can work around it. I'm just hoping over time that it doesn't cause any decreased libido. hoping it's all worth it.
Posted by sexylexy on March 23, 2004, at 20:07:55
In reply to Re: Lexy and Kathryn, posted by KathrynLex on March 19, 2004, at 12:30:02
Where are you? I miss you. Hope you have not been around because you are feeling so good. Just know I am thinking of you and miss you.
Posted by sltex on March 23, 2004, at 21:56:44
In reply to Re: Sexual Dysfunction and Lexapro? Need Feedback, posted by sideorder on March 23, 2004, at 8:28:09
Sideorder, after 6-7 weeks on Lex, I am feeling much better and it seems to be worth the working around the sexual s.e. No problem with libido here but the delay requires some patience and seems worse when I have had any alcohol, so you might give that some consideration. Good luck and hope Lex helps you.
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