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Posted by bozeman on January 13, 2003, at 0:52:15
In reply to Re: life's little victories-Bozeman, posted by EGR on January 12, 2003, at 13:05:42
First let me say that you positively wigged me out with the similarities in our backgrounds. (That's not a bad thing, it just took me a while to get over the speechless part.) It's like we've been living the same life.
That's probably why I can totally relate to the weepy thing. I don't know that the reasons are the same, but I've definitely been through it. My first sign of it coming on, after a triggering stressor, has been uncontrollable hand shaking. Otherwise I seem like any other day. But over time I learned that as soon as my hands start shaking like that to get the heck home as soon as possible because the last thing I need to do is lose it at work, or in rush hour traffic! Then after I got home, the ensuing "breakdown" would go one of two ways -- the "low" version, where I just wanted to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head, incapable of making even minor decisions like how many scoops to put in the coffee maker or what socks to put on, and calling in sick until it passed (if that doesn't qualify as sick, then I don't know what the heck does) -- or the somewhat "higher" version, where I can still function "mostly" normally, but the slightest emotional thing (good or bad) triggers a flood of hormones, neurotransmitters, and chemicals in my body and I am an emotional basket case, never knowing (and powerless to prevent) if I'm going to scream/slap someone for interrupting me, or cry because they opened a door for me when I was carring a 50 lb piece of equipment.
I have developed a working theory on why it happens -- don't know if it's the same for you, though. In my case, I was so monotone for so long (read: stubbornly denying clinical depression, it seems) couldn't feel much of anything except, blah, with occasional bouts of pure panic or absolute doom. I read a LOT, psychology, biochemistry, religion, and the meaning I have finally pieced together is a little complicated, but it put my mind at rest. Here goes:
Our "natural" state is an ever-changing continuum of stimulus, emotion, reaction, and response. In those of us with neurochemical imbalances (whether triggered by hereditary tendency, stress, injury, or whatever) this cycle is interrupted and goes haywire somewhere along the way. I posit that as the "normal" interchange between stimulus and emotion/reaction gets clouded, sometimes we "experience" emotions physically that we don't "feel" emotionally, and vice versa. With this cycle disrupted, the ultimate response is unpredictable at best, sometimes inadequate for the importance of the situation, and sometimes way out of proportion to the stimulus. This, I feel, is what causes maddening stuff like "I need to leave for work RIGHT NOW and I'm not even dressed yet," or "You brought me coffee, how sweet, please leave now so I can break down and cry." In the first situation, response is inappropriately low and you don't "feel" an emotion (fear or concern or caution or urgency, which would typically be felt, because you gotta get to work on time so you don't get fired, gotta make sure no obstacles prevent that) seemingly because the stimulus/emotion/response/reaction mechanism is disrupted. In the second instance your response is exaggerated for the same reason (an overwhelming rush of gratitude or heartstring-tugging, becaue they brought you coffee, that's kind and convenient, thanks, but it's not that big of a deal, so why am I having such an extreme reaction?)
I think our bodies and our brains expect a certain amount of stimulus/response/emotion and if they don't get it, they will (for lack of a better term) manufacture or overexaggerate it, and if exposed to too much of it, they just shut that system down (hence adrenal exhaustion, etc, which I firmly believe most depressed people have some level of adrenal problem or thyroid problem or both, that's part of my theory of the entire system interactions, but I'll digress if I get into that right now. Back to your weepiness.)
So, in that long-winded sense (got more than you bargained for, eh? :-) I would agree with EGR that your weepiness is probably a good thing if it's not too much for you to handle. What I mean is, you've probably been deprived of normal emotions for so long, that you've got a flood of them built up, and your responses to "normal" events may be exaggerated for a while (depending on how long you've been deprived, a "while" is variable. It's all relative.) If that is indeed why it's happening, then it should improve over time. If it gets worse over time, or if it's interfering with your ability to function (i.e. you can't go to work or do normal activity because you cry all day long, every time someone looks at or speaks to you) then, definitely, you should consult your doctor to explore why and to find relief.
Another possibility . . . . I see in you a thoughtful, sensitive soul, trying hard to do the right thing, worried about affecting other people, trying to do good. Something I think is often overlooked in conventional medicine and by "normal" people, is the fact that those of us who are susceptible to depression and the associated cluster of other related disturbances -- we are constitutionally different than much of the rest of the world. (In fact this could be the source of the imbalance that allows the illness to develop. Wonder if anyone's researched that?) We take responsibility seriously, take ourselves too seriously, have trouble forgiving ourselves for mistakes because we should have known better (so we think and judge ourselves), etc. I believe that this internal constitution predisposes us to over-stress and "wear down" parts of us, parts of those hopelessly interrelated systems (endocrine, neurological, chemical, electrical, etc.) so that how we experience stimulus and response, creating the resultant emotion, is affected. What this could mean (though I know it doesn't feel like it) is that experiencing emotions, even hard-to-control ones like weeping at a beautiful sunrise or at a kind word someone says to you, is first, a sign that you are indeed getting better because you were able to respond to a stimulus instead of being so "worn out" neurologically that stimulus is lost on you; and second, that you are one of those "special" people who does *feel* every kindness as a gift from God, and every thoughtless act as a loss of an opportunity to touch God.
I hope that makes sense, because I believe it, and have struggled with how to resolve it in my own life. Sometimes I envy the people who don't experience their world in this way, because it seems like their version would be so much simpler. But that's from the outside looking in, and who knows what private hells they go through that we don't know about? Neither is better than the other, the two are simply different, and there's nothing to be gained by dwelling on the difference, so I don't allow myself the luxury of the envy for more than a little while. :-)
It's an entirely different matter to *know* somebody didn't mean something they said personally, and to not *take* it personally. Knowing (mentally) and feeling (emotionally) are miles apart on this subject, but I think learning how to accept the two is the key to learning to live in this world without giving up that sensitivity that makes us so special. Thank God for the Lexapro because since I've been taking it, I no longer react to stressors in such a radical and unpredictable fashion as I did before, and can (for the most part) choose my response and how to integrate the conflicting emotions/urges that result from everyday interactions and situations that most people would find unremarkable.
Again, if you don't feel any resonance with of this, and feel that your weepiness is from another source and is too much to allow you to function "normally" (for you), please, please don't suffer with it, see your doctor and find out if there's another solution available to you.
Be well, feel well, hang in there and ride it out if you're at all able to. I believe that feeling (even pain sometimes) is better than the lonely numbness that depression drives us to sometimes. Best of luck to you, Beautiful Soul --
> > Question, though: things like this are still making me weepy. Is that a med problem, or am I okay to be weepy when faced with these "inspirational" things? (I was going to say sappy, but that would be hypocritical!!) It's so hard to tell when you are used to weepiness being a bad sign.
Posted by ayuda on January 13, 2003, at 7:00:11
In reply to Re: Emotional, weepy? (long) -- for ayuda, posted by bozeman on January 13, 2003, at 0:52:15
Oh, that was so sweet!!!
And it made PERFECT sense. I was canvassing my mind in response to EGR last night, trying to figure out what about this bothered me (I spent most of my childhood being told I was "overly sensitive" and perhaps have an aversion to my sensitivity because it was considered to be a negative trait then). I could not put it into words. But what you've said DOES resonate. You are right, I have not been feeling emotions -- other than negative ones, such as anger and frustration -- for a long time, even while on meds. It's been a while since I've been able to appreciate the things that I love, and to love the things that I appreciate. And I just increased my dosage of the Lexapro to 20 mg last week, and all of a sudden, I am feeling things. I get worried, though, when I feel things, that it will go back to those extremes you talk about -- how wonderfully strange for someone else to know what I have gone through all these years! Ok, now I'm starting to tear again! But anyhow, I thought last night that I was suffering from anxiety because I also realized that I have some deep feelings for a friend of mine, that felt like they came on all of a sudden the other day. After so many years of emotional dysfunction, I can't tell the difference between love, appreciation, and anxiety.
I'm sorry if this is all over the place, this is my gut reaction to your post, and normally I take time to digest things and give rational responses, but I wanted to start babbling in appreciation right away! I hope that everyone else on the board is patient, or they can just skip this one! I am going to print out your post, because I want to hold onto it and re-read it often.
It's funny, I've spent so much of my life striving for my goals, which are not -- like most people's -- monetary, but deal with enlightenment and education, searching for my purpose to serve the world. I put a lot of things to the side -- with the exception of family, though I live a thousand miles away from them, they are in my life everday, especially my nieces and nephews. And by my mid-30s I just wanted to numb myself from those emotional waves you talked about, because they are exhausting. And in the past few months, since I went off the Effexor XR and onto the Lexapro, I've felt like I could have my "old" life -- the good parts of it, where I was sociable and outgoing and genuinely happy -- back, and leave behind most of the bad parts of my old life -- the over-reacting to every tiny little disruption as being a life-or-death matter, people's every words and actions getting on my nerves, the triggering of that "fight or flight" response every damned day. My only worry is that school starts again this morning, and my biggest challenge is dealing with my professors and my students again (break is a good time to sort out life before it gets hectic again). They all get on my nerves, everyone is so self-absorbed and doesn't see the big picture, which, as a graduate assistant, I am forced to keep in perspective every day. I would like -- just for one time in my life -- to handle these things with grace and calm -- REAL grace and calm, not the pretend kind that I have grown accustomed to. I left the classroom once last semester in the state you talked about, bursting into tears as soon as I left the room because a student was viciously haranguing me over his grade on an exam in front of the whole class. I had to end class and go home to cry for an hour -- I hate that, I hate having to wait hours before I can react in a healthy way, to understand that he was frustrated and did not mean to be mean to me. Some of my students were actually mad at me for leaving the classroom -- but that didn't matter to me, I could not stand there and teach while in tears.
Well, speaking of school, I have to go get ready, but I am going to print out your message, and thanks for taking the time to think it and write it and thank you for the wonderful compliments. I guess that it's true, in a positive sense, that "it takes one to know one," because you have really made, not just my day, but a lasting impression.
> ayuda--
> First let me say that you positively wigged me out with the similarities in our backgrounds. (That's not a bad thing, it just took me a while to get over the speechless part.) It's like we've been living the same life.
> That's probably why I can totally relate to the weepy thing. I don't know that the reasons are the same, but I've definitely been through it. My first sign of it coming on, after a triggering stressor, has been uncontrollable hand shaking. Otherwise I seem like any other day. But over time I learned that as soon as my hands start shaking like that to get the heck home as soon as possible because the last thing I need to do is lose it at work, or in rush hour traffic! Then after I got home, the ensuing "breakdown" would go one of two ways -- the "low" version, where I just wanted to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head, incapable of making even minor decisions like how many scoops to put in the coffee maker or what socks to put on, and calling in sick until it passed (if that doesn't qualify as sick, then I don't know what the heck does) -- or the somewhat "higher" version, where I can still function "mostly" normally, but the slightest emotional thing (good or bad) triggers a flood of hormones, neurotransmitters, and chemicals in my body and I am an emotional basket case, never knowing (and powerless to prevent) if I'm going to scream/slap someone for interrupting me, or cry because they opened a door for me when I was carring a 50 lb piece of equipment.
> I have developed a working theory on why it happens -- don't know if it's the same for you, though. In my case, I was so monotone for so long (read: stubbornly denying clinical depression, it seems) couldn't feel much of anything except, blah, with occasional bouts of pure panic or absolute doom. I read a LOT, psychology, biochemistry, religion, and the meaning I have finally pieced together is a little complicated, but it put my mind at rest. Here goes:
> Our "natural" state is an ever-changing continuum of stimulus, emotion, reaction, and response. In those of us with neurochemical imbalances (whether triggered by hereditary tendency, stress, injury, or whatever) this cycle is interrupted and goes haywire somewhere along the way. I posit that as the "normal" interchange between stimulus and emotion/reaction gets clouded, sometimes we "experience" emotions physically that we don't "feel" emotionally, and vice versa. With this cycle disrupted, the ultimate response is unpredictable at best, sometimes inadequate for the importance of the situation, and sometimes way out of proportion to the stimulus. This, I feel, is what causes maddening stuff like "I need to leave for work RIGHT NOW and I'm not even dressed yet," or "You brought me coffee, how sweet, please leave now so I can break down and cry." In the first situation, response is inappropriately low and you don't "feel" an emotion (fear or concern or caution or urgency, which would typically be felt, because you gotta get to work on time so you don't get fired, gotta make sure no obstacles prevent that) seemingly because the stimulus/emotion/response/reaction mechanism is disrupted. In the second instance your response is exaggerated for the same reason (an overwhelming rush of gratitude or heartstring-tugging, becaue they brought you coffee, that's kind and convenient, thanks, but it's not that big of a deal, so why am I having such an extreme reaction?)
> I think our bodies and our brains expect a certain amount of stimulus/response/emotion and if they don't get it, they will (for lack of a better term) manufacture or overexaggerate it, and if exposed to too much of it, they just shut that system down (hence adrenal exhaustion, etc, which I firmly believe most depressed people have some level of adrenal problem or thyroid problem or both, that's part of my theory of the entire system interactions, but I'll digress if I get into that right now. Back to your weepiness.)
> So, in that long-winded sense (got more than you bargained for, eh? :-) I would agree with EGR that your weepiness is probably a good thing if it's not too much for you to handle. What I mean is, you've probably been deprived of normal emotions for so long, that you've got a flood of them built up, and your responses to "normal" events may be exaggerated for a while (depending on how long you've been deprived, a "while" is variable. It's all relative.) If that is indeed why it's happening, then it should improve over time. If it gets worse over time, or if it's interfering with your ability to function (i.e. you can't go to work or do normal activity because you cry all day long, every time someone looks at or speaks to you) then, definitely, you should consult your doctor to explore why and to find relief.
> Another possibility . . . . I see in you a thoughtful, sensitive soul, trying hard to do the right thing, worried about affecting other people, trying to do good. Something I think is often overlooked in conventional medicine and by "normal" people, is the fact that those of us who are susceptible to depression and the associated cluster of other related disturbances -- we are constitutionally different than much of the rest of the world. (In fact this could be the source of the imbalance that allows the illness to develop. Wonder if anyone's researched that?) We take responsibility seriously, take ourselves too seriously, have trouble forgiving ourselves for mistakes because we should have known better (so we think and judge ourselves), etc. I believe that this internal constitution predisposes us to over-stress and "wear down" parts of us, parts of those hopelessly interrelated systems (endocrine, neurological, chemical, electrical, etc.) so that how we experience stimulus and response, creating the resultant emotion, is affected. What this could mean (though I know it doesn't feel like it) is that experiencing emotions, even hard-to-control ones like weeping at a beautiful sunrise or at a kind word someone says to you, is first, a sign that you are indeed getting better because you were able to respond to a stimulus instead of being so "worn out" neurologically that stimulus is lost on you; and second, that you are one of those "special" people who does *feel* every kindness as a gift from God, and every thoughtless act as a loss of an opportunity to touch God.
> I hope that makes sense, because I believe it, and have struggled with how to resolve it in my own life. Sometimes I envy the people who don't experience their world in this way, because it seems like their version would be so much simpler. But that's from the outside looking in, and who knows what private hells they go through that we don't know about? Neither is better than the other, the two are simply different, and there's nothing to be gained by dwelling on the difference, so I don't allow myself the luxury of the envy for more than a little while. :-)
> It's an entirely different matter to *know* somebody didn't mean something they said personally, and to not *take* it personally. Knowing (mentally) and feeling (emotionally) are miles apart on this subject, but I think learning how to accept the two is the key to learning to live in this world without giving up that sensitivity that makes us so special. Thank God for the Lexapro because since I've been taking it, I no longer react to stressors in such a radical and unpredictable fashion as I did before, and can (for the most part) choose my response and how to integrate the conflicting emotions/urges that result from everyday interactions and situations that most people would find unremarkable.
> Again, if you don't feel any resonance with of this, and feel that your weepiness is from another source and is too much to allow you to function "normally" (for you), please, please don't suffer with it, see your doctor and find out if there's another solution available to you.
> Be well, feel well, hang in there and ride it out if you're at all able to. I believe that feeling (even pain sometimes) is better than the lonely numbness that depression drives us to sometimes. Best of luck to you, Beautiful Soul --
> bozeman
> >
> > > Question, though: things like this are still making me weepy. Is that a med problem, or am I okay to be weepy when faced with these "inspirational" things? (I was going to say sappy, but that would be hypocritical!!) It's so hard to tell when you are used to weepiness being a bad sign.
Posted by EGR on January 13, 2003, at 8:47:46
In reply to Re: Emotional, weepy? (long) -- for ayuda » bozeman, posted by ayuda on January 13, 2003, at 7:00:11
You know, it is great to "meet" people who relate to what my life has been like. I, too, stayed in denial that I needed meds for a very long time. Your stories are mine... the no emotions/emotion breakthroughs...
I was thinking last night that although I "enjoy" being able to blow off comments that used to send me into a frenzy and an analytical mode where I had to figure out the implications of a statement, etc., etc., that maybe it's not we who are NOT normal. Maybe we're just another "version" of normal... except when it gets extreme and we suddenly start thinking of ways to kill ourselves...
Anyway, thanks for your posts... it's good to know I wasn't/am not all alone.
Posted by mills on January 13, 2003, at 9:47:52
In reply to Re: New to Lexapro, posted by chapman on January 12, 2003, at 8:19:09
chapman, i just wanted to say i feel for you; it is sad to me when something happens to one of our kids and we try to do something about it but don't know what to do, and we feel helpless; and like geezer, PEACE to you; i know it may sound trite, but, as sincerely as it can come across here, thanks for loving your son
> My 12 year old son was started on lexapro about
> 3 months ago, after trials of welburtin, resperdal
> (whick caused uncontolable eating), and other assorted
> anti-anxiety, anti-depressent meds. His diagnoises
> are; dysthymia,anxiety, intermitant explosive D/O,
> and borderline traits. His special ed teacher and
> most those folks around him agree that there has been
> a big increase in explosive behaviors for the past
> three months. He was hospitalized again for a week
> and in general is doing poorly. I've tried to tell
> his psychiatrist that I think it's the med, but no
> med changes have been made. Yes, the depression is
> better, sleep is better...but mood fluctuation and
> control of anger is awful. I'm not going to second
> guess his doc, and continue to follow reccomendations,
> but I was wondering if there is any doccumentation
> that would support my theory that it's the Lexapro
> that is causing havoc in our lives....again...
> On a positive note, I have 2 clients (i'm a day treatment
> therapist) who have started on lexapro, and they
> are doing great. Both have been on a combination of
> lexapro with a bit of welbrutin to boost it's effects.
Posted by teriwynn on January 13, 2003, at 10:22:04
In reply to life's little victories » bozeman, posted by ayuda on January 11, 2003, at 23:10:54
**Don't confuse feelings of weepiness with depression. Feelings show we are human!! If the meds made us not feel anything, we'd be robots! :) Feelings of weepiness in response to someone caring shows we are human -- not flawed, just human.
> That's not sappy at all -- that is inspirational!
> We humans DO forget to look at the little things, in general. And everyone does have small victories every day. We get so lost in our moods and in how we want things to be that we forget about life's daily triumphs.
> And it's a testament, perhaps, to how well the meds are working that any of us can see that it isn't SO bad.
> Question, though: things like this are still making me weepy. Is that a med problem, or am I okay to be weepy when faced with these "inspirational" things? (I was going to say sappy, but that would be hypocritical!!) It's so hard to tell when you are used to weepiness being a bad sign.
> > I know this will sound sappy, so if it offends anyone I AM SORRY ;-) but I keep a Thankfulness List, sometimes it's all I do when I'm too tired to journal. Recent entries:
> > Three good hair days in a row (that's never happened before)
> > Getting all three of the "boys" to the vet and back in one afternoon with no one scratched, bitten, or permanently traumatized (including me)
> > A roommate who is lovingly supportive when I simply *cannot* do the dishes or some other (for a normal person) simple task and doesn't hit me with a skillet when I'm in one of my negative funks
> > A drive home without hitting more than two red stoplights (world record, must be)
> > Getting back my serum allergy list and NOT finding coffee or chocolate on it :-)
> >
> > The point is, even on my worst days, I can find something, one thing, that went right. And it shows me how far I've come when I get a whole bunch of right ones in a day.
> >
> > A new entry for the List: Finding a forum (this web site) that shows I'm not alone and having others to talk to
> >
> > > YES! I forgot that. One of the things is that our brains work in images... so right now, it's full of negative images. My pastor told me to get a folder for positive images and put things in there that would trigger a positive image when I could find "my happy thought"... stuff like pictures of my kids, a note where someone had told me I did a good job. Things that ordinarily seem silly to keep end up being life-lines.
> > >
> > > > Get a journal. Write down anything good that happens each day. Any small accomplishments, any positive thoughts, any acts of kindness. Then when you're feeling like you can't get anything done, like you're worthless, like you're totally non-functional, look back in your journal to remind yourself that it's not as bad as you think.
> >
> >
Posted by Rainee on January 13, 2003, at 15:16:20
In reply to Re: New to Lexapro, posted by mills on January 13, 2003, at 9:47:52
Hey there,
It sounds to me like it's the lexapro and he might be bipolar. When I first went on Prozac years ago it kicked in a mania. I can use SSRIS but I have to tread lightly. I'm on lexapro and enjoying it so far. It's early yet though.Rain
Posted by ayuda on January 14, 2003, at 9:54:30
In reply to Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by Dr. Bob on June 11, 2002, at 7:52:48
I just finished reading this article on
It is interesting to me, and I think to some others of you who have been experiencing problems similar to perimenopause or menopause that seem to be linked with the Lexapro. I think also that some of us have spoken with doctor's who poo-poo the idea that depression and peri-/menopause have a link. Even though my mother and grandmother both 1)suffer(ed) from depression and 2) entered menopause in their early 40s, my new doctor told me that "average menopause age is 51" and dismissed the idea that my depression that intensified at age 35 has anything to do with the "change of life," or vice-versa.
I think this also has important consequences for how we are treated for the depression -- that maybe in the future there will be some AD that specifically treats women in their 30s and 40s.
And, it demonstrates to me yet again that ALL doctors, not just those in the psychiatric field, HAVE to know about depression, its causes, its effects, and its treatments. I am so tired of only being treated as part of a person by each doctor, and not have all of me treated for related issues. They have just got to start understanding that depression is a physical illness and affects other parts of the body, not just the mind.
Posted by Sadsack on January 14, 2003, at 15:21:11
In reply to Re: New to Lexapro, posted by hp212 on January 10, 2003, at 12:17:42
The pill for PMS? It MADE me depressed! I lost 10 pounds and got my life back when I went off them. Give me AD's for pms OR depresseion anyday.......
> Another alternative to SSRIs for treating PMS is birth control. It definitely puts more balance into the month and virtually eliminates cramps. Shouldn't take it if you smoke and weight gain is a possible side effect. It wouldn't be a great option if you were trying to get pregnant, however. I think the pill might be the best alternative to an anti-depressant for relief of PMS. Some of them also make your skin look great.
Posted by Sadsack on January 14, 2003, at 15:39:44
In reply to Re: Lexapro worked but still sad sometimes » Cynthia, posted by Kairos on January 11, 2003, at 2:51:32
Amen and Amen. I come from a long family history of depression. If I could will it away it'd be gone BUT......I can't, so, I just watch myself carefully so I don't end up like my mother. Years ago (before the advent of such wonderful meds), she comitted suicide. I am just thankful I am smart enough to see it as a physical illness and avail myself of the best science has to offer. If only everyone was so enlightened! Good to hear from you both.
> Hear Hear - This professional just heard that - and frankly I'm a minority and agree with you - the saddest and most tragic part is that so-called professionals who cannot understand this really need to go back to the learning board - or - if they have a power / ego issue get out of the field altogether.
> Kairos
> > Ayuda just said two things that especially resonated with me: "We are the sane ones." and "It's a physical illness." These would make great tag lines. I wish the professionals who promote mental health awareness would incorporate this type of thinking into their communications materials in a big way. These two statements are very provocative, and would be very effective in helping to lessen the stigma we all feel. It really is true that this is a physical illness -- with mental repercussions. If more people understood this, they would be more inclined to seek help, and we, the "sane ones" would be more inclined to talk about our problems, which would go a long way to making treatment more acceptable.
Posted by Sadsack on January 14, 2003, at 15:48:26
In reply to Re: Here! Here!! » Kairos, posted by EGR on January 11, 2003, at 17:35:53
Oh my gosh-it sounds JUST like what I was doing. I thought about just swerving off an embankment,or into a tree. I started leeaving my husband with the kids more so they could bond and be better off "after I was gone". I worked on organizing everything so they wouldn't have to deal with any confusion "after I was gone.....I finally realized what I was doing and got help. It is scary but it sure is helpful to know others have been thru it!
> Kairos, I would be happy to somehow correspond with your husband. I guess I'm just not sure what part of my story would be helpful to him. I guess I could start out by saying that in the beginning, I didn't start out wanting to kill myself, I was just miserable and would have negative thoughts. Then one day, as I was driving, a thought popped in... "I could just drive into this oncoming traffic"... and then it escalated after that... which corner would be the best in order to make it look like an accident... how I could drive off a bridge and make it look like an accident. Etc., etc. Let me know what you think would be helpful for him to read.
> I really DO care...
Posted by oldhand on January 14, 2003, at 20:24:21
In reply to Depression and early menopause, posted by ayuda on January 14, 2003, at 9:54:30
Just read that article. Another interesting "chicken and egg" proposition. Did I get menopause because I was depressed or was I depressed because I got menopause? :) I can recall bouts of depression from age 18, began severe hot flashes at 39, diagnosed with clinical depression around 48, post menopausal at 49, disability retirement at 50 due to depression. Wonder how it is all connected? Thanks for the link to the article. It really is about time someone looked at the bigger picture.
Posted by bozeman on January 14, 2003, at 21:58:53
In reply to Re: New to Lexapro » hp212, posted by Sadsack on January 14, 2003, at 15:21:11
Made me so depressed that every day I wished a truck would run over me. Or I would just drop dead. Not suicidal, just wanted to not feel that terrible. (those of you who've been there know there's a difference.)
Would rather have PMS from Hell than feel like that. Know how to keep myself from throwing things. ;-) Don't know how to get out of *that* pit of depression.> The pill for PMS? It MADE me depressed! I lost 10 pounds and got my life back when I went off them. Give me AD's for pms OR depresseion anyday.......
> > Another alternative to SSRIs for treating PMS is birth control. It definitely puts more balance into the month and virtually eliminates cramps. Shouldn't take it if you smoke and weight gain is a possible side effect. It wouldn't be a great option if you were trying to get pregnant, however. I think the pill might be the best alternative to an anti-depressant for relief of PMS. Some of them also make your skin look great.
Posted by EGR on January 14, 2003, at 22:32:31
In reply to Re: Here! Here!!, posted by Sadsack on January 14, 2003, at 15:48:26
Isn't it weird to look back on it now that you're on meds? It's like, "I can't believe that I felt THAT badly!... that I would actually do that to those I love the most." Thank GOD for chemists that develop these drugs! I feel sooooo much better!! :-) Glad you do too!
Posted by Hollygolightly on January 15, 2003, at 0:04:55
In reply to Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by Dr. Bob on June 11, 2002, at 7:52:48
Hi, I'm new to the boards as well as fairly new to taking Lexapro. I've had severe chronic depression for over 3 years (I'm currently on disability because of it). I've been through a number of anti-depressants with some pretty God awful side effects. Most recently, I had tried Wellbutrin (once again). Most of my previous side effects have included pretty severe nausea. All but Wellbutrin included loss of sexual libido (although when you're in a state of depression for this long....I couldn't say for sure if it's just the drug...I'm not involved with anyone so it's no like I've noticed it as much)
I began taking 5mg of Lexapro in December..the normal starting and maintenance dose is 10mg daily. However, since I'm prone to side effects, it was recommended that I start lower. I actually researched the drug online and asked to try it. I went both to my regular psychiatrist as well as to a psychopharmacoligist to see if this was what they would suggest.
I began having headaches almost immediately (not prone to headaches)...these have diminished pretty much. I experienced some nausea as well as complete loss of appetite....that has eased up some. I think that with many of the SSRI's you can lose weight initially but that eventually, some people do tend to gain. That's been my personal experience (I'd love the loss of appetite and weight loss to be a permanant side effect!)
So, since Jan 2, 2003, I've moved to the 10mg dosage. My cousin, a nurse, suggested that it might help me deal with the side effects if the drug itself worked. Amazingly, and I am still on the fence...but, I do seem to be feeling slightly better. I was advised that is could take up to 4 weeks to notice any change and that it takes longer for some people.
I hope I'm not writing a novel here but just wanted to offer any helpful information to anyone else considering this drug. FYI, previously, I was on Paxil (deathly ill and 2plus week of intense withdrawal), Prozac, Wellbutrin and Wellbutrin combined with most of the other SSRI's, Serzone and Zoloft. For me, nausea has been the worst side effect, along with dry mouth. I've experienced total loss of libido with everything but Wellbutrin...there, I had severe dry mouth and it just didn't seem to work for me. I have a family history of, I was told by the psychopharmacologist that if I had any relatives sufferring from depression and taking anti-depressants that worked for them....well, that would make the odds better for me. That might help someone out there.
Thanks for listening. I promise not to ramble on my next post. This looks like an interesting place to find information and support. My best wishes to eveyone's success to this horrible disease!
Posted by Mock5 on January 15, 2003, at 1:24:03
In reply to Re: Lexapro and headaches » Jaycee, posted by pharmrep on December 4, 2002, at 9:10:19
I, too, have noticed increased headaches with Lexapro. My side effects with the other anti-aniexy/depression meds have been diarrhea and insomnia. With Lex, those particular effects have ceased, but my migraines are MUCH more frequent. I have been taking Lex for almost 3 months and have gone to every other day to be sure that that is what is causing my migraines. And for the past 2 weeks, the days I haven't taken Lex, I haven't had a headache. Any suggestions on any other meds? I have tried Paxil, Prozac, and Celexa.
Posted by Jaycee on January 15, 2003, at 6:51:02
In reply to Re: Lexapro and headaches, posted by Mock5 on January 15, 2003, at 1:24:03
> I, too, have noticed increased headaches with Lexapro. My side effects with the other anti-aniexy/depression meds have been diarrhea and insomnia. With Lex, those particular effects have ceased, but my migraines are MUCH more frequent. I have been taking Lex for almost 3 months and have gone to every other day to be sure that that is what is causing my migraines. And for the past 2 weeks, the days I haven't taken Lex, I haven't had a headache. Any suggestions on any other meds? I have tried Paxil, Prozac, and Celexa.
I did see a neurologist for my migraines and he suggested that I increase my topamax. I did increase it and have had one migraine in one month, so it has helped considerably. It is a med that is used for seizures but is being used (not approved by the FDA yet) for migraines. The topamax is also used for depression/anxiety/mood stabilization. Check it out on the web under topamax...
Posted by ayuda on January 15, 2003, at 6:55:26
In reply to Re: Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by Hollygolightly on January 15, 2003, at 0:04:55
What is amazing is that all of us have been complaining about side effects (especially start up ones like headaches and sexual s/e), but it seems that otherwise, the Lexapro has made many of us who post feel a lot better. So I hope that it helps you, also. Did you try Celexa before this? I only ask because Lexapro is a derivative of Celexa, and you say you tried most of the SSRI's. I hope that the Lexapro gets you back on your feet again -- and even though the maintenance dose is supposed to be 10mg, I just went up to 20mg, so if it isn't working as well on the lower doses and you don't have nausea, you have that option. Good to have you on the site, and good luck with Lexapro!
> Hi, I'm new to the boards as well as fairly new to taking Lexapro. I've had severe chronic depression for over 3 years (I'm currently on disability because of it). I've been through a number of anti-depressants with some pretty God awful side effects. Most recently, I had tried Wellbutrin (once again). Most of my previous side effects have included pretty severe nausea. All but Wellbutrin included loss of sexual libido (although when you're in a state of depression for this long....I couldn't say for sure if it's just the drug...I'm not involved with anyone so it's no like I've noticed it as much)
> I began taking 5mg of Lexapro in December..the normal starting and maintenance dose is 10mg daily. However, since I'm prone to side effects, it was recommended that I start lower. I actually researched the drug online and asked to try it. I went both to my regular psychiatrist as well as to a psychopharmacoligist to see if this was what they would suggest.
> I began having headaches almost immediately (not prone to headaches)...these have diminished pretty much. I experienced some nausea as well as complete loss of appetite....that has eased up some. I think that with many of the SSRI's you can lose weight initially but that eventually, some people do tend to gain. That's been my personal experience (I'd love the loss of appetite and weight loss to be a permanant side effect!)
> So, since Jan 2, 2003, I've moved to the 10mg dosage. My cousin, a nurse, suggested that it might help me deal with the side effects if the drug itself worked. Amazingly, and I am still on the fence...but, I do seem to be feeling slightly better. I was advised that is could take up to 4 weeks to notice any change and that it takes longer for some people.
> I hope I'm not writing a novel here but just wanted to offer any helpful information to anyone else considering this drug. FYI, previously, I was on Paxil (deathly ill and 2plus week of intense withdrawal), Prozac, Wellbutrin and Wellbutrin combined with most of the other SSRI's, Serzone and Zoloft. For me, nausea has been the worst side effect, along with dry mouth. I've experienced total loss of libido with everything but Wellbutrin...there, I had severe dry mouth and it just didn't seem to work for me. I have a family history of, I was told by the psychopharmacologist that if I had any relatives sufferring from depression and taking anti-depressants that worked for them....well, that would make the odds better for me. That might help someone out there.
> Thanks for listening. I promise not to ramble on my next post. This looks like an interesting place to find information and support. My best wishes to eveyone's success to this horrible disease!
Posted by teriwynn on January 15, 2003, at 9:19:40
In reply to Re: Here! Here!!, posted by Sadsack on January 14, 2003, at 15:48:26
** And here I thought I was the only one who thought of driving off the road. Which roads would be best, where I would be least likely to hurt anyone else, how easy it would be, how to make it look like an accident so my insurance wouldn't be denied my family. I still think of it on my bad days, but they are few and far between, thank God.
Posted by Mock5 on January 15, 2003, at 12:41:01
In reply to Re: Here! Here!!, posted by Sadsack on January 14, 2003, at 15:48:26
> Oh my gosh-it sounds JUST like what I was doing. I thought about just swerving off an embankment,or into a tree. I started leeaving my husband with the kids more so they could bond and be better off "after I was gone". I worked on organizing everything so they wouldn't have to deal with any confusion "after I was gone.....I finally realized what I was doing and got help. It is scary but it sure is helpful to know others have been thru it!
> > Kairos, I would be happy to somehow correspond with your husband. I guess I'm just not sure what part of my story would be helpful to him. I guess I could start out by saying that in the beginning, I didn't start out wanting to kill myself, I was just miserable and would have negative thoughts. Then one day, as I was driving, a thought popped in... "I could just drive into this oncoming traffic"... and then it escalated after that... which corner would be the best in order to make it look like an accident... how I could drive off a bridge and make it look like an accident. Etc., etc. Let me know what you think would be helpful for him to read.
> >
> > I really DO care...
> >
> > EGR
>I haven't thought it out so much as to make plans for "when I am gone"... but I have had such high anxiety about things that I though the ONLY way to even get close to relieving the stress was to drive into a concrete barrier as I was driving down the highway. I thought I was going crazy that that was runnig through my mind. Until I read these posts, I am thinking that I am not alone! Although, I am definitely rational enough to know better than to do that... I was still upset that it was even a thought in my mind.
Posted by justyourlaugh on January 15, 2003, at 13:02:21
In reply to Re: Here! Here!!, posted by Mock5 on January 15, 2003, at 12:41:01
i was wondering if these thoughts(while driving)
were thought out while you were in the car.
or were they uncontrolable flashes that could happen anytime.
what do you do to stop them?
i knock myself out everynight with seoquel(100mg)
does his mean durring the next day the drug is still effecting me?
is it suppose to help with the negative thoughts?
Posted by wharfrat on January 15, 2003, at 14:31:38
In reply to Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by Dr. Bob on June 11, 2002, at 7:52:48
Has anyone had success adding wellbutrin to lexapro for sexual se's? How long does it take to kick in? I've been on 150 mg wellbutrin SR for a little over three weeks with my 10 mg lexapro and still having difficulty achieving a "happy ending". Anyone?? Anyone??
Posted by proud mary on January 15, 2003, at 15:22:48
In reply to Re: Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by Hollygolightly on January 15, 2003, at 0:04:55
Dear Holly,
I, too am taking Lexapro. I took Zoloft for several years and it started to not work for me anymore. I haven't noticed any obvious side-effects except for sever sleepiness the first few days, but I think I tolerate SSRIs pretty well, anyway. Today, day six, is the first day I've really felt alive again. Not totally great, mind you, but at least I'm beginning to have an interest in what's going on around me again.
It's true about the family member dad took prosiac before he died (unrelated to his depression) and when my daughter needed an AD a few years ago, she didn't respond well to Zoloft and ended up with Imiprimine, however, her dad had tried zoloft, too, and couldn't tolerate it, so I guess she's much more like his side of the family.
I do feel a little bit of a zingy spaciness that I attribute to not so much the Lexapro, but to stopping the zoloft.
Good luck to you and keep on reading...I'll be here! Mary
Posted by StephGob on January 15, 2003, at 15:26:33
In reply to Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by Dr. Bob on June 11, 2002, at 7:52:48
I recently switched from Celexa to Lexapro, and my results haven't been that great. I was on Celexa for a year (thought I should have been on something for years prior to fault).
My anxiety was a bit of a problem sometimes (stress is a different story), but I didn't have many depressive episodes during this year. Since I've been on Lexapro (about 2 weeks or so), I've had some major episodes of anxiety and depression. After just two weeks, I feel like I'm almost back to where I was before I was even on medication.
My biggest issue is usually anxiety. As long as my depression is subdued, I can focus on attempting (successfully or not) to lessen my anxiety. Right now, I can't seem to control either.
One worry that my doctor had was that he didn't want to try much of anything new with me because I also have ADD and am on medication for that. However, even when I don't take that med (a stimulant), I get anxious. Anyone got any help for me?
Posted by EGR on January 15, 2003, at 16:20:11
In reply to Re: Here! Here!!, posted by justyourlaugh on January 15, 2003, at 13:02:21
> hi
> i was wondering if these thoughts(while driving)
> were thought out while you were in the car.
> or were they uncontrolable flashes that could happen anytime.
> what do you do to stop them?They would just pop into my head... then I would "entertain" them... my therapist said it was because it was a way out and thinking about them made me feel like I had some control. They went away after I started on meds, but when I was doing a med switch, they'd come back. Haven't had any at all in at least 6 weeks.
Posted by Sadsack on January 15, 2003, at 20:24:24
In reply to Re: Here! Here!!, posted by Mock5 on January 15, 2003, at 12:41:01
No you are not alone, and yes, I too have been rational enough not to do it but, you're right, it is really disturbing! This is my 3rd go around with depression (in 10 years)and I am getting better at recognizing those unwanted thoughts for what they are...a clue to get treatment. I still fight it and and hope I'll pull out of it on my own but I am better now about seeking help. It sure is a comfort to know there are others in the same boat who are fighting the good fight with you isnt it? This forum has been so helpful to me, I'm glad you responded. Thanks
> >
> I haven't thought it out so much as to make plans for "when I am gone"... but I have had such high anxiety about things that I though the ONLY way to even get close to relieving the stress was to drive into a concrete barrier as I was driving down the highway. I thought I was going crazy that that was runnig through my mind. Until I read these posts, I am thinking that I am not alone! Although, I am definitely rational enough to know better than to do that... I was still upset that it was even a thought in my mind.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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