Psycho-Babble Books by Dr. Bob
This was a message board for mutual support and education.
It focused on books -- and stories, poetry, etc. -- that people had read, were reading, and wanted to read. And movies and plays, too.
Those discussions now take place on the more general
Psycho-Babble Social board, so follow-ups to posts here will automatically be redirected there.
For a list of books that have been suggested here, please see either the
versions of Psycho-Babble Book Club Suggestions.
My thanks go to Noa and Kiddo for compiling those.
At any of the boards here, you can link a book title to
by putting it in double double quotes. The server will automatically search Amazon.com and link to the first match. When you confirm your post, you have the option of linking to a different book (or not linking at all).
For details, please see the
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member, please take a minute to say hi.
They might feel scared, and a warm welcome might help them relax and partake. And they'll be more likely to come back!
Don't necessarily believe everything you hear.
Your mileage may vary.
The only posts I take responsibility for are my own.
In a crisis, please also get help in person.
It's good to give as well as to receive.
What you say may conceivably be used against you.
Submitting a message gives me permission to use it as I wish.
Please be civil.
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Current posts
- Re: William Styron, Darkness Visible? llurpsienoodle 8/13/08
- Re: The Stolen Child » TofuEmmy ClearSkies 12/25/06
- ((((((((((((pseudoname))))))))))))))) (nm) sleepygirl 2/25/07
- Re: Reading to my son » Dinah karen_kay 10/5/06
- Re: From the reviews of Ginsburg » Declan Jost 10/7/06
- they've made a movie.... karen_kay 10/5/06
- “Backstage at the Tonight Show” pseudoname 10/8/06
- Ordered a few books ClearSkies 10/13/06
- What are you reading.. quick and short.. NikkiT2 10/29/06
- OCD book recommendation jules354 11/6/06
- Good book on borderline personality disorder capricorn 11/7/06
- “Devil and Daniel Johnston” DVD pseudoname 11/8/06
- My latest book: 'The Antipodes of the Mind' Quintal 11/30/06
- So have you found LibraryThing yet Minnie-Haha 12/3/06
- The Women's Room Meri-Tuuli 12/7/06
- Dance Dance Dance NikkiT2 12/9/06
- A different kind of John Grisham book ClearSkies 1/3/07
- Now I am going through my ancient stacks ClearSkies 1/4/07
- Perfume NikkiT2 1/13/07
- a great book trading site wishingstar 1/18/07
- Blue Shoes and Happiness NikkiT2 1/30/07
- Black and Blue Daisym 2/18/07
- a book for baby karen_kay 2/25/07
- Thursday Next fans.. good news!! NikkiT2 3/24/07
- OSC's Empire Racer 3/27/07
- DBT FredPotter 3/29/07
- I can't wait for Harry Potter Book 7 Dinah 4/1/07
- Cider With Rosie Quintal 4/2/07
- Want a good cry? - try this FredPotter 4/17/07
- I'm very excited reading this book about marriage scratchpad 4/18/07
- Books? Ditch 'em all FredPotter 4/25/07
- finally! karen_kay 4/27/07
- If I like Ellis Peters and Ellery Queen Dinah 4/28/07
- Re: If I like Ellis Peters and Ellery Queen Dinah 4/28/07
- Anne Perry, Sharyn McCrumb, and S. Saylor » Dinah Racer 4/28/07
- Re: Anne Perry, Sharyn McCrumb, and S. Saylor » Racer Dinah 5/2/07
- Re: Anne Perry, Sharyn McCrumb, and S. Saylor » Racer Dinah 5/2/07
- Re: Anne Perry, Sharyn McCrumb, and S. Saylor » Dinah Racer 5/2/07
- Re: Anne Perry, Sharyn McCrumb, and S. Saylor » Racer Dinah 5/4/07
- Re: Anne Perry, Sharyn McCrumb, and S. Saylor » Dinah Racer 5/4/07
- Re: Anne Perry, Sharyn McCrumb, and S. Saylor » Racer Dinah 5/4/07
- Simon Dinah 5/5/07
- wotcha reading at the moment? NikkiT2 4/30/07
- How To See Yourself As You Really Are Quintal 5/1/07
- Raimond Gaita Declan 5/3/07
- Children of the Self Absorbed? Racer 5/7/07
- T recommended me a book LlurpsieNoodle 5/7/07
- reasons for suffering B2chica 5/10/07
- Has anyone read the new Tolkien book Bobby 5/11/07
- Bloodsucking Fiends! Racer 5/21/07
- Used Books DAisym 6/2/07
- Richard Ford and Andrei Makine Sigismund 6/5/07
- Rethinking Thin Racer 6/24/07
- A Great And Terrible Beauty Racer 7/15/07
- Is the Harry Potter series worth the fanfare? Racer 7/15/07
- Obscene amounts of money on OOP books Racer 7/29/07
- Writers Festival Sigismund 7/30/07
- Getting Your Life Back-anyone read it? KayeBaby 7/31/07
- The UPS guy is so very handsome when... Racer 8/1/07
- Looking for a good book on statistics Quintal 8/5/07
- Can't really read again ClearSkies 8/13/07
- What I am reading.. and dinner with the author! NikkiT2 9/1/07
- Reviving Ophelia Racer 9/8/07
- Coetzee Sigismund 9/10/07
- New Book Offers Hope Beyond Bipolar Disorder J.D. Stottlemire 9/12/07
- The loved one by Evelyn Waugh sdb 9/14/07
- William Tanner Vollmann Squiggles 10/22/07
- Theodore Dalrymple zazenducke 10/23/07
- Oliver Sacks ClearSkies 10/24/07
- my new books llurpsienoodle 12/14/07
- The Thirteenth Tale Daisym 1/31/08
- Finnish writers visiting the Cuckoo's Nest R. -T. V. 52y 2/24/08
- Candide: Or, Optimism (recommendation) sdb 2/25/08
- Beautiful music..............? R.-T. V. , 52y 2/26/08
- Finnish 'special' singers R. -T. V. 52y 2/26/08
- The House at Riverton Quintal 4/27/08
- Hero With A Thousand Faces Fivefires 5/11/08
- sad news about David Foster Wallace **trigger** softheprairie 9/17/08
- Books about AML (specifically megakaryoblastic) Lindy Star 11/24/08
- ''Twilight'' TexasChic 12/23/08
- Joseph Campbell is great, books or tapes Neal 2/7/09
- Has anyone read, 'The soloist?' Bobby 2/20/09
- Help my dad understand Mom's issues please - books myco 3/10/09
- Anyone like Jack Kerouac? rollingthunder 6/5/09
- I just go my new library card :-) obsidian 6/12/09
- hello again nikkiT2 paulb 6/15/09
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Babbletime: Fri Mar 28 02:38:06 CDT 2025
Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
URL: http://www.dr-bob.org/babble/books
Copyright 1998-2007 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.